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"It's fine if you don't like me back, I know you like Taehyung. I'll wait for you." He smiles.

But I do like you but I also like Taehyung.... Ughhh I don't even know myself anymore.

"You'd do that for me?" I smile back.

"Mhmm." He nods, the smile, not even once, leaving his face.

Curse my indecisive feelings.

"Anyways, look at the time. I have a lot I have to get done. I'll see you tomorrow?" I ask for reassurance.

"Yup." He says before patting me on the head.

I'm glad our relationship hasn't changed.

He leads me towards the front door. He tightly grips the doorknob and turns it.

He flings the door open, and suddenly, Rosé comes stumbling in.

"Woah." Jungkook catches her in his arms before her flimsy body comes in contact with the hard, wooden floor.

The heck.

Was she eavesdropping on us?

"What the- were you by the door the whole time?"

"Nope. I just got here." Rosé responds, foolishly looking around Jungkook's home, deliberately refusing to make eye contact.

I don't buy it.

Knowing her, she probably was eavesdropping on our conversation.

That's just how she is sometimes. Oh well.

If she heard anything then she heard it. Nothing we could 'bout it now.

"Whatever, let's just go, we have to get our project done." I order Rosé as I unwarily step foot out of Jungkook's abode.

"Yes, ma'am." She playfully salutes and recklessly follows along behind me.

-On The Walk To Y/n' House-

"So, are you and Jungkook a thing now?" Rosé speaks, eliminating the silence between us.

"What no." I give her a 'Wtf' look.

"Oh, it would definitely be fun if you were both couple, if you know what I mean." Rosé gives me a pervy-like grin, wiggling her eyebrows.

I swear to god.

This girl-

I sometimes get concerned for her remaining innocence, if she even has any left.

"Rosé, I swear- if you don't keep your green mind under control, the world might actually implode." I caution her, legitimately being concerned for the world's safety.

"Oh, my dear friend, you already know this is how I am, and it won't change anytime soon." She says as she places her arm around my shoulder. I facepalm.

"Whatever. Do with what you please." I give up trying to change her immaturity.


­-Jungkook's POV-

I enter the school and notice Y/n and Rosé talking by their lockers.

I trudge towards their direction.

"Hey, Jungkook- Woah, you look like a zombie." Rosé comments.

"Nice to meet you too, Rosé." I say, not having the energy to get mad at her comment.

Love Indecisive || J.JK ○ P.JM ○ K.THWhere stories live. Discover now