~ III ~

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"Last but not least, this is the school's cafeteria. Personally, my favorite place in the entire school, other than the library, because it has a variety of food and drinks you could buy." Y/n's mood brightened the moment she spoke about the school's cafeteria. Jimin nods.

"Thanks for giving me a tour even though you said you had things to do." Jimin thanked Y/n with a bright smile on his face.

"Just so you know, I only gave you a tour because, who knows it might give me extra credit in some subjects, not because I want to help you." Y/n mentions with a hand on her hip.

"No matter what your reason may be, I still appreciate it." Jimin ruffles her hair. Y/n gripped his wrist and threw it towards his chest

"Do.that.again.you.die" Y/n warns Jimin, piercing her eyes through him. If eyes could kill, Jimin would be dead by now.

"Sorry." Jimin apologizes nervously as he rubs his wrist.

"Bye." Y/n bids him farewell in a monotone voice, but walks away excited to not have any more conversations with the boy she found annoying.

"See you around." Jimin waves happily, despite what just happened.

Y/n steps into the classroom and takes a seat at her usual spot, beside Rosé.

"I have been searching for you everywhere! Where have you been?!" Rosé questions with a hint of anger.

"Long story. I'll tell you later." Y/n nervously chuckles.

"I almost thought you were gonna be late for class." Rosé sighs out of relief.

"Where's Jungkook?" Y/n curiously asks.

"He's attending a different class right now." Rosé replies.

"What did you both talk about after I left?"

"Nothing much. He's actually quite a nice person under all the timid. He seems trustable."

"Yeah SEEMS, he's like that at first, but once he's aware that you trust him, that's when he'll hurt you."

"You're totally overthinking it." Rosé sighs.

"Trust me, I have been there several, several times, I'm fully aware of how people work."

"It's good that you're playing it safe but not all people are what you say they are."

"Yeah but-" Y/n gets cut off by the teacher stepping foot into the room.

"Let's continue our talk later." Y/n whispers to Rosé. Rosé nods.

"Alright, class, let us begin." The teachers spoke firmly.

Few hours of class time had passed, Y/n scribbles on the back of her notebook, waiting patiently for class to come to an end.

After an hour and a half of waiting, class was finally over with, which meant students had the freedom to leave school grounds or do with whatever they please.

Y/n and Rosé fled, not wanting to spend another second more in that dreadful room. They conversed about Y/n giving a tour to a student she found annoying as they dragged their feet towards the student lockers.

"He seriously forced you to give him a tour around school?!" Rosé questions, clearly shocked by the fact she gave a student a tour without charge.

"He didn't really force me, per se, he practically begged me." Y/n answered as she opened her locker.

"Hmm. I see, is he cute though??" Rosé asked, very eager to find out whether her bestfriend found the boy cute.

"Well, he's definitely annoying." Y/n exclaimed as she places a math textbook in the locker, joining it with the other contents of her locker.

"It does not matter if he's cute or not, if he's annoying, then he's out of the statement." She adds.

"Awww, that's a bummer." Rosé pouts.

"How is that a bummer?" Y/n raises an eyebrow.

"I was thinking maybe he's the one to help you move on from Taehyung" Rosé flinches, fearing her bestfriend might clobber her. Y/n takes a notebook from inside then playfully slams her locker shut, making Rosé think she triggered her, but not really.

"What are you insinuating?" Y/n, once again, raises an eyebrow, playfully crossing her arms.

"I'm just starting to think maybe Taehyung doesn't even like you back." Rosé gulps, still having trepidation of getting busted in the face.

"Well, that's what we don't know til' either him or I confess." Y/n walks towards the exit of the school, Rosé following behind.

"Can I come over to your house?" Rosé asks.

"No, I have to tutor Jungkook." Y/n rejects.

"Aww pleaseeee." Rosé begs.

"Fine, just stay in the living room and don't do anything that will or might disturb us, or else." Y/n warns Rosé.

"Yes, ma'am." Rosé salutes.

The two girls approached the bicycle racks beside the school's main gate, Y/n unlocks the chain that connects the bicycle to the bicycle racks. She grabs her bicycle, leaving the other bicycles that belonged to either students or faculty members. They both waited patiently for the young boy.

"Where is that boy?!" Y/n taps her foot, growing impatient as each second passed by.

"Just be patient, Y/n." Rosé places her hand on Y/n's shoulder, hoping the action will help her be more patient.

Minutes later, they both spot a figure sprinting towards them. As the figure approaches, the more they were able to tell who the figure was.

"Sorry for keeping you both waiting, I kinda got lost around school." Jungkook apologizes as he held his knees, trying very hard to catch his breath.

"Yahh! You should be sorry! Do even realize how humid it is out here?!" Y/n aggressively stomps off to the direction of her house, with her bicycle and the intention of leaving the two of them behind. Jungkook frowns feeling guilty.

"It's alright Jungkook, I'm certain she didn't mean that. She'll come around, eventually." Rosé pats his back. They both follow along behind Y/n.

After minutes of walking, they arrive at Y/n's front door, Y/n grabs a key behind a plant pot and unlocks the door as they enter her humble abode.

"Rosé, sit on the couch and do not disturb." Y/n commands.

"Yes, Ma'am." Rosé complies, sitting on the couch and taking out her phone.

"Y/n, where can I place my backpack?" Jungkook asks.

"Anywhere, I couldn't care less." Y/n rudely interjects.

The boy places his backpack on the coffee table across the couch Rosé sat on, then proceeds to sit beside Rosé, leaning over Rosé's shoulder and watching her play Candy Crush on her phone.

Y/n grips the handle of the fridge, and pulling the fridge door open. She grabs two bottles of water and a small carton of banana milk. She sets the two bottles of water on the dining table and hands the carton of delicious banana milk to Rosé.

"Jungkook, sit here, beside me so we can start." Y/n commands as she sat on her own seat. Jungkook complies, taking his backpack with him.

"May I ask where your parents are?" Jungkook asks as he takes out the notebook from his backpack

"None of your business." Y/n rudely interjects, once again.

"Y/n's parents are on an overseas business trip for 2 years now, and her grandmother is the one taking care of her." Rosé smirks, knowing she just mentioned something personal and that it will piss Y/n off. Y/n snaps her head towards Rosé, glaring at her, piercing her fury-filled eyes through her figure.

"Let's begin. Rosé, you.better.behave." Y/n commands. 

Love Indecisive || J.JK ○ P.JM ○ K.THOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora