Part 23 kronos

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Luke's Pov

I woke up took with Thalia in my arms I could get used to this I thought I when to the restroom and took a  shower and when to the dining area I eat and talk to the  group and hung out a little with thals.

After talking to Thals we made our way to the arena to see campers gods hunters and chaos assassin making there way there as well.The chaos  team was here except for Percy.

I was talking to Thals about our plan for defeating Kronos when Bianca and Zöe came with boys what the chaos "Who are they" I ask "This is Leonel my boyfriend" said Zöe "Wait time out when the chaos did you the Man Hater get a boyfriend" I ask in disbelief "We have being going out for about a week now" what the heck I turn around to face Bianca " And you" "I am Ryan Biancas boyfriend" "What did you just say" someone from behind scream I turn around to Nico "I said am Biancas BF" "When the hades did you get permission to date" ask a piss Nico "Am old enough  to not ask my dad for permission Nico" said Bianca at this Percy came and found out about the boys.

After all that Percy when in front of everyone and started to give a speech.

"We are here today to defend our home the place that tought us everything we know even though our parents are assholes we cant let them die even if zeus is a drama queen and wants to kill every demigod that seem stronger than him or fuck everything that can walk he is way better than having order as our ruler well not really because he want to kill us but we will figh to protect the place that serve as our home when our mortal parent didnt want us our sadly they die we are here today to make history by defeating Order and his minions"

Everyone cheer and made there way to the front.

You could start to make the monsters in the distance.

A while later

"I hope you punny demigod are ready to die" Said Order.

"I think you mean YOU are ready to die" said Percy "Attack" yell order.

The campers and gods when first killing everything in there way.

Minutes later the hunter's when in and did the same kill every single monster in there way.

Looking at the sight in front of me it was sad demigod getting kill for being to slow or trying to protect there love one or the monsters decided to attack in group to kill just one demigod.

It was sad knowing that they wouldn't be able to grow up and marry and have kids I only hope that in there next life they do.

I could see Percy shaking in anger I new what he was thinking he wants to be out there helping.

I put my hand in his shoulder "If you go now more people would die than if you wait for our time Percy."

After them it was us me and Castor when left Bianca and Charles when stray Zoe and Selena when right and Percy when stray as well.

I made it in no time to we're Kronos was because of my speed castor took a little longer but once I got there he was kind of busy talking to some monsters but stop when he saw us but when he saw me his smile only grew.

"Kronos is been a while hasn't it" I said "Luke I see your alive but don't worry I'll send you to Tartarus like Perseus did to me all does years ago" he said he started to slow time but I was fast enough to get out of the área that was effected.

Castor started to send vains his way making it hard for him to concentrate and vines to the monsters that got close to us I flew straight at him only for our sword to collided.

"You are not as strong as Perseus Luke you won't be able to defeat me" Kronos said "Don't worry Kronos I will defeat you am not that little punny demigod you manipulate all does years ago" I told him.

Kronos close the gap in between us in a matter of seconds, and charge with his Scythe in a forward motion.

I stepped to the side and swiftly grabbed his hand  and swiped the scythe from Kronos grip and threw it to my right for Castor to use the vines and take them deep underground.

And hopefully Kronos won't be able to get them back using a minion of his.

And in the span of less than an hour I had Kronos in a corner with Castors help he tide him up with Vines so he wouldn't be able to move.

"It's over Kronos you have lost yet again to a demigod" I told him.

"You punny demigod you will pay for this you hear me I will come back again and kill you for sure" he scream

"Am sorry to ruin it to you but your not going to Tartarus this time my friend your going to the  Void" said Castor.

"Μου αρέσει η Castellana να σας στέλνει την Κρόνα στα βαθύτερα μέρη του κενού για αιωνιότητα"

After I finish chanting a portal appear behind Kronos "I hope you like it there" I said before kicking him.
"You will payyyyy" he yell.

I started to look around to see Zoe, Bianca, Silena, Charles, Percy fighting.

(I Luke castellana send you Kronos to the deepest parts of the Void for eternity.


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