Part 16 Kidnap

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Percy's Pov

I've been training with my father for about two weeks now and I've been getting a hang of my powers.I lost my cool a couple of times for dumb reasons am just glad Zoe is not here if not i would have been in the infirmary a couple off times i might be strong and all but don't mess with an angry Zoe that's the worst thing you can do last time someone got in her bad side *cough cough Luke Cough Cough* got to be in the infirmary for about a month.

I'm going to go back to camp tomorrow to check how the camp is doing and to see my fantastic boyfriend.

()()()()()()*Next Day*()()()()()()(

  When i woke up i was excited to go back to camp i know what a shocker am excited to go back to the place that turned their back on me but i guess they were under a spell but am not excited to see Annabeth not since she pulled the trick on me making Nico mad at me.

   When it was time to leave i hug my father and made a portal to leave when i step on the portal i appear in camp when i got there everyone look like shit but once they saw me there faces fell down.

I started to look around for Nicos face but i couldn't find it i started to get worry."Guys were is Nico?" Luke step forward he try to smile but felt miserably "Am sorry Percy Order took him" at this my world shatter I was piss "Why didn't you call me why didn't you try and reach me!" "Percy we try but we couldn't reach you we try to teleport but it was like if are powers were shut down" "When" "A week after you left" he's been gone for a week and they haven't try to find him are you shitting me I started to lose my cool."Percy calm down i know what you are thinking we try but the oracle wouldn't give us a prophecy it only said we had to wait for the hero that was betray."

"Where is Rachel? We need a dam prophecy to save Nico!" I scream.

  Rachel appear out of nowhere "Percy there is no prophecy am sorry we have to wait until the war" "Damn it Rachel please oracle of Delphi just say something" as i said that green smoke came out of Rachel's mouth "Child of the sea you should wait you will see the ghost king sooner than you think" after that she felt. I felt useless. I couldn't do anything to protect the love of my life.

For the rest of the day I spend it at the arena trying to take my mind out of what happened but I swear that when I see Order he's going to regret ever taking the love of my life.Am going to kill him and do the things he did to Nico.

Nico's Pov

  A week after Perce left I went to the underworld because I heard that father wanted to speak to me but boy I was wrong when I got there there were a lot of monsters and in the middle there was a man with white skin and black eyes he was about 7 feet tall he gave away ancient power kind of like Chaos.

"Son of Hades glad to finally meet the lover of my nephew" that's when it hit me the man in front of me was Order "What do you want" i said with as much venom as i could."I only want to talk" "Yea and am straight" he just laugh a creepy laugh more creepy than the one Kronos did all does years ago.

"Well in order to get my nephew's attention I need something that means a lot to him...and well... here you are the thing my nephew loves the most the thing he would die for the thing he would give his power for you...he wouldn't let you die he would die before anything happen to you... and if i want to take his orb then first i need something to lure him in and that something it's you" he said with a laugh.

I was pissed because everything he said was true Percy would die before anything happened to the once he loves he always put other's before himself and I hate that sometimes .

I tried to defend myself but it was not working after about 5 minutes they had me in chains after that everything went black.

When I woke up I was in a cell and I had the freaking chains and am pretty sure they were canceling my powers most likely celestial bronce . I couldn't shadow travel. I tried and fell."Oh I see your up son of Hades well let the torture begin" said Order.

For the next few hours i was torture to be more specific first he grab some kind of knife and lets say that hurt it like a bitch it was most likely imperial gold.

After that he took a whip and well whipped the shit out of me but I didn't give him the satisfaction of screaming.

After that he took a metal stick and put in on the fire and well you know the fucker put that on my skin, and repeat.

He would leave and comeback a hour after torture to bring some food and a block of ambrosia he would say "I can't let you die just yet maybe when my nephew get here" and he would leave and come back the next day.

This went on for a week.

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