Part 12 campture the flag

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Percy's Pov

Friday was here the hunter were going to come, so the meant captured the flag.

we have been giving Osvaldo fake information about the war, we know for A fact that he won't be there for capture the flag he will be leading the monster attack. I just hope that everything goes according to plan.

As we finish with breakfast we started to head to the arena for training needless to say the campers have improved since we got here.

As we made  it to the arena I saw all the campers already there "YOU GUYS ALREADY KNOW WHAT TO DO WARM UP FOR 10" I tell them as everyone left only leaving me and my friends "are you guys ready this might not be the actual war but we need to be ready for it"

"Well I just hope everything goes according to plan" said Thalia " Yea i hope so too" said everyone else.

As the campers made it back "Today we will only train for an hour because I need you guys with all the energy possible for tonight so you can finally beat the hunters asses or might not because you guys are going against us too" As I said this I hear there only 7 of them is going to be easy" other said "were so dead".


We were heading to dinner when the hunters started to look our way they look mad I wonder why. As we made our way to dinner I heart all some hunter say "Look if it isn't the traitor" Thalia look piss "If you have something to say phoebe say it to my face or are you to scare for that " said Thalia with venom in her voice at this Artemis came "Let the traitor be you will deal with her during capture the flag" After they left to their table I look at Thalia "What was that about thals" Thalia just look at me and said "SIT down" as she told me what happen I was mad how could Artemis be this dumb I was so angry and happy my cousin left the hunter because of me that made me know that she care about me.

As we finish with dinner the horn blew indicating it was time for capture the flag as i was looking around i didn't see Osvaldo meaning that he already left we still had a little time before they attack might as well enjoy it while it last.

As we were getting ready for capture the flag I saw my friend with smirks "what's up guys what's so funny" "well kelp head today is the day we beat the hunters" Said Thalia.

As we made our way to our side Chiron said "You guys know the rules NO KILLING" The horn blew meaning time to start the game it was campers vs chaos assassins vs Hunter but chiron let THALIA, Clarisse, Nico, Maria and Leo join our side. We put our flag by a tree and let Leo, and Charles do their thing Thalia, and Zoe were in the trees with their bows, Bianca, Maria, and Nico were in the shadows, Me and Luke would be after the flags me after the hunter and Luke after camps Clarisse, castor , and Silena will distract the campers and Hunter so easy win for us.

Annabeth's Pov

"I want Apollo's kids in the trees Ares, Demeter, and Dionysus you protect Athena, and Zeus attack Hermes you go after the flags Hephaestus you do your thing make traps and all that.The rest of you I want you guys to make the hunter busy and the chaos teams as well" I yell.

Luke's Pov

As we heard the horn blow me and Percy start to go for the flags I go left he goes right as I made my way to the campers flag I saw the traps Good things that Charles use to prank me because i know how this works.

I started to look around when I saw what am guessing are Apollo's kids in the trees. Thats when I heard Clarisse "Come and get me little brats" "Really Clarisse we can take you on there's only one of you and well a lot of us'' Said one of the Apollo kids I took this as my cue to get the flags when Clarissa saw this she said "But I was only the distraction Brat" As she said that the Apollo kids notice that the flag was gone to this Maria came from the shadows and took me and Bianca took Clarissa.

Percy's Pov

As me and Luke ran our separate ways I saw some hunter already running to get our flags. As I reach were they hid the flag an arrow flew only messing my cheek my millimeters as I turn around I saw phoebe "You really think it was going to be that easy Omega" said phoebe with a maniac laugh "You should really work on the laugh girl it sound like you are mentally ill" I say at this Castor and Silena arrive "Are we late to the party Omega" said Silena "You never are honey" I tell her at this castor made the grass start to grow around phoebe "Later loser" "Uhggggggggggg" scream the hunter.

As I made my way to the flag i saw Nico standing there looking bore "Took you long enough looser" As he shadow travel us back I saw Luke there "I Win Perce you own me 10 drachmas Looser" "Oh shut up Luke" as I said this the horn blew three time indicating an attack.

Everyone started to run towards the border when we got there there were at least 100,000 monster. "Really that all they got" I  said at this the campers and hunter look at  me like i was dumb or something "What" I said before anyone could speak someone from the other side scream 'GIVE UP PUNNY DEMIGODS AND JOIN OUR SIDE" said Hyperion ,"LIKE HADES WE WILL" scream Thalia at this all the other demigods scream as well."WELL THEN YOU SHOULD DIE" scream someone else "OSVALDO" said someone from the crowd.

At this we heard another voice "We only want Perseus" said Krios "HIS DEAD" Scream Annabeth "But darling he's not dead why do you thing he never made it to the underworld huh" said krios "YOUR LYING" scream Jason "WHATEVER you say ATTACK" as he said this words i look at my friends "You guys stay here we got this"I tell the campers "are you crazy they will kill you" said Annabeth "don't ask question and stay here" with that all the chaos assassins took their wing out and started to fly to action.

3rt person Pov

As Percy and his friends made there way to battle he knew he would have to reveal himself to camp but that didn't matter right now what matter right now was saving camp.

He made his was to Krios as Luke was making his way to Hyperion  the rest made there way to the monsters.

"look who it is Percy Jackson" said krios "less talk more fighting don't you think" Percy tells him he smiles he runs towards Percy with his sword Percy runs towards him there swords meet he swings his sword towards Percys left side Percy blocks it he hit him back he swings his sword again Percy block it Percy does the disarming tactic as his sword flies to the other side he waste no time he make a portal to the void when krios notice this his reaction was priceless "You will pay for this Perseus Jackson"

In the other side of battle there was Luke fighting  Luke was trying to tire Hyperion off with his speed and also was playing with him "Why are you here" said Luke as they battle each other "why else so the titans can finally rule over the earth again" said Hyperion as he hit Luke in the leg at this Luke knew he wasn't going to say anything else so he decided to end things he went inside the titans mind to see what information he could get he was terrified on what he saw after a second he stab the titan in the head and the titans disappear.

Bianca was trying not to use her power because that would drain her too much. She and Zoe decided to use their bows; they were shooting their bows at a speed that humans or gods would not be able to see they were killing at least 100 per minute.

To their left there was Silena making the monsters kill them self's. Next to her was Charles and castor Charles was shooting fireballs at the monster while Castor was making the monster drunk.

Osvaldo disappeared at the last moment, like the coward he is.

The battle was over in less than a hour when the Assassins made there way to the campers the only thing they said was "meeting in ten get the gods as well"

Sorry Guys I really suck at battle scenes but here you go. :)

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