Part 22 War Strategy

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Percy's POV

I woke up with a bad headache ugh I shouldn't have drank that much yesterday I stood up and went to my mini fridge and took out some ambrosia and eat it after a couple of minutes my headache was gone this is one of the good things about being a demigod.I look back at my bed to see Nico sleeping peacefully so cute.

I when to the second floor we're the training area is located I got there and turn on mike our artificial intelligence computer to put my training level on 5 it would technically have robot, lasers, canyons, etc. coming my way for about 2-3 hour or as long as you can stay standing.

After about 3 1/2 hour of training I when back to my room and took a shower when I came out Nico wasn't in bed anymore I check the time 8:30 A.M I still have time to make it to breakfast.

When I got to the dining area everyone look like shit thank chaos today is not the war if not we would pretty much be screw.

I sat down to be greeted by my friend "Heyyyy" said a way to excited Luke "Am guessing someone got it yesterday for the first time" I told him with a way to obvious wink he turn a lovely shade of red and to my surprise but not really I got electrocuted "ouch" I turn around to see my lovely cousin Thalia blushing "Ohh did I embarrassed you pinecone face" shouldn't have said that next next thing you now am being chance by an angry ex man hater.

After that little episode I when back and eat some delicious blue pancakes yum yum my tummy feels full.

After breakfast most campers made there way to the arena to start there routine 50 laps around the whole camp then a hour with each chaos member.

After that we have lunch and then the counselors of each cabin made there way to the big house were Chiron and the gods were waiting for us sadly chaos couldn't interfere.

Once all the people that were supposed to be here made it we started the meeting "Have we come up with a plan Athena" I ask "Yes we will have the young demigod inside the big house....." this when on for a while discussion strategy's for the war.

"We will have the campers and us attack first after that we will send the hunters once there done there will most likely not be that many monsters to deal with then you guys go in to finish it.We have also found out that Kronos and Nyx are fighting along side Order and also a demigod most likely Osvaldo."

"Hey Rachel you can trow your handy dandy blue brush at Kronos again" I told Rachel only for her to blush as red as her hair.

  "Shut up Percy" "Haha going back it's obvious that am fighting Order but who is fighting Kronos Nyx and sea spawn" "Charles and Bianca will go against Nyx Charles can use his fire while Bianca can travel well through darkness, Luke and Castor will go against Kronos Luke because of his speed and castor can attack from far because of his control over plans, Zoe will go against Osvaldo or the third person because she is the most skill in the team Silena we will need you to help Zoe by charmspeaking the monsters into attacking the third person" said Athena.

"Well it sound right but why can we going in when the campers go in the monsters will be to busy with you guys to deal with us" I ask "Percy they will most likely expect that" Athena told me "Since when did the monsters start to think last time I check they just did thing the same over and over again attack get kill repeat" I said in a duh tone "Percy don't forget Order is manipulating them" said Luke "Trueeee" I said well that make since.

"Hey Percy ready to see your girlfriend" said Luke "More like clingy ex girlfriend" I told him "Who?" Ask Thalia "Good old beef head" I answered her questions "He's probably going to bring your girlfriend as well" "True kelli and beef head are always together just like us" Luke said and wiggles his finger and I did the same "BFF for ever" we both said in a girly voice "How the hades did I end up dating a moron like you" said Thalia and Nico at the same time "Hey we might be morons but we're your morons" I shouted back "Stop my eyes my virgin eyes can't take anymore" Said Rachel we just laugh we might as well enjoy this because it might not last.


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