DB 38

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All talk hushed to General Raylens stopping of steed, his hand rose high into the air while he looked around carefully.  Giving War a slight brow arch, War returned it with a nod allowing Raylen to go from there without seemingly asking War for advice in front of his men.

“We enter here” He called twisting in his saddle, facing his men head on in dominance. Siana scrunched her brows together, confused as to what exactly they were entering, as if was a wide open field. She looked to War for answers. Doing the very opposite of what she had in mind, War ignored her looks of concern.

Frowning, Siana shifted her weight into her saddle tapping one finger on her saddle. Shirgar’s ear twisted around to her irritation, a clearing of his nostrils was all he gave back for comfort.  For a few minutes men gathered themselves together, each one seemingly more alert than before. War leaned over towards her cheek, whispering in unmoved lips.

“Do I as, and fear nothing.” She once again gave him a questionable look, which was returned with a smirk. Making sure to show him her irritation, War cracked his neck giving his Bay a nudge forward once more ignoring her. Siana ground her teeth together, if he was trying to piss her off, he was succeeding.

Giving Shirgar the rights to follow, Siana’s eyes widened when general Raylen and War both vanished from sights. She gulped, remembering the words of War as she too walked in their hoof prints. The unknowing of what was to become of her a very frightening feat at best, having never seen such witchcraft before, Siana hoped War wasn’t one for trickery.

Colors radiated around her body, as Shirgar kept his pace even. She took comfort in his steady movements, as he didn’t seem phased by the foreign portal. Taking it as a sign he’d done this many a time before, Siana relaxed her shoulders, trusting her steed to lead them out.

A heavy breath of relief passed her lips, seeing War and the General waiting patiently for her and others to flood out. Siana took in her new surroundings. Different smells of sweetness filled her lungs, as the lush evergreen seemed to roll over every valley under Shirgar’s feet. Moving out of what she thought could be the way, Siana stopped Shirgar near War’s bay.

She made sure not to look in his general direction, giving him personal notes as she wouldn’t be asking him what was happening. Her surprise to his horse stepping closer only intensified as his face mimicked as well.

“You are curious?” He asked, a clear hint of amusement passing his short question. Siana licked her lips, and with a disregarded shrug she didn’t bother to meet his eyes. Knowing it would bother him, Siana made sure to conceal her amusement. War didn’t like being ignored, specially for something that interested him.

“You have nothing to ask, not a thing?” He pushed a little more, giving his bay a chance to move closer to Shirgar. Siana yawned lightly tugging a rein to steer away from War, her actions made perfectly clear. War growled under heavy armor, a sound so intense Siana gripped her reins a little tighter from caving into his power.

Seeing all the men make it through without a glitch, Raylen pressed onward, having War at his side while they spoke more. Siana held back a few strides, her mind reprocessing the portal for herself. Piece of a puzzle she’d yet to understand, slowly began to come together. Books War had intrusted she read at his last departure, where now filling in blanks to what his Kin were made for.

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