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"Yo we gotta get my Grandfather back!" He said walking back and fourth throughout his grandpa's living room.

"Chris just calm down!"

"I can't what the fuck! Amya if you don't get out of here in the next three seconds when I flip out it ain't gonna be pretty." He warns me

"Three...two.. Amya I'm not playing. Fucking ONE!" Then all hell broke loose

He started picking up glass off the table and throwing it. He picked up the lamp and threw it and it was two inches from hitting me. He kicked the 72 inch TV off its stand making it fall to the ground. He punched several holes in the wall.

"Chris stop!" He didn't listen

"Please?" I ask him on the verge of tears. Today has been a stressful day. I got chased, I got shot .. I can't do this.

"Come on Mya baby don't cry." He says picking me up carrying me to the car. I know Chris is cold because he ain't got a shirt on.

"Mya we're going to the hospital."


I woke up to hear a beeping noise. Beep beep beep

I look over to see Chris with two nurses .

"Okay Mr. Chris Brown you're hand is good to go."

Wait Chris Brown? Hold on I thought to myself. I asked the nurse to give me my phone and I googled him. I am soo stupid! Chris is Chris Brown! That explains the camera and screaming girl. But, why is Chris in the game?

Sorry this is so short.

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