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Chapter Sixteen

THERE WAS ONE week left until school started again and Aria was counting the seconds eagerly.

Her father had been in a worse mood than usual. She could often deal with him, but it was far too much now. Ever since they had gotten back from Malfoy Manor he had been extra grumpy.

She cringed as the sound of a mug shattering in the kitchen reached her ears, followed by a curse word.

She was getting used to the loud noises, the slamming of doors, the dropping of mugs, and loud swear words that filled the house.

It was hell and Aria desperately needed a break. There was no way that her father would just let her out of the house, she needed an excuse.

The thick layer of snow outside her window reminded Aria that Christmas was only three days away. She would tell her father that she hadn't finished shopping, that was sure to work.

Aria dressed warmly before she left her room. "Father?" She stepped into the living room and saw him in his usual armchair.

"What is it?"

"I haven't quite finished my Christmas shopping and I was wondering if-"

"Just go." He cut her off. "Be back by five, though."

"Thank you, father." Aria hurried to the fireplace and called out "Diagon Alley" before he could change his mind.

As she wandered through the streets, looking at things that she could nowhere near afford, her sweet tooth kicked in.

Florian Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour was just around the corner and seeing as she has already completed her Christmas shopping long before the break, she decided to spend her money on a treat for herself.

"One chocolate and one raspberry double scoop of both with chopped nuts on top, please," Aria ordered, hoping that she had enough money. As she reached for her purse, someone stopped her.

He rested his hand on her arm and smiled down at her. "Allow me." He paid for her ice cream and led her out of the shop.

"Fancy seeing you here," Aria mumbled as they walked alongside one another.

He shrugged. "Glad I decided to come today, I got to see you."

She smiled.

"My dad wanted to do some last-minute Christmas shopping and forced me to come with. I see it was all for the best now."

"Funny, I told my dad that I was doing the same thing."

Cedric laughed. "What are you doing here then?"

"I just needed a break from that house." She shrugged and went onto the third scoop of ice cream.

He nodded. "I get that. I was planning on buying you a present, actually."

"Me? You don't even know what I like." She snorted, half amused, half startled at his confession.

"Maybe, but I saw an awful lot of treacle tart left on your bedside when you were knocked out. I'm guessing it's your favorite."

"Oh, you noticed that." She blushed. "It is my favorite and my friends know that."

"See. That's just one of the things I know about you."

"Oh yeah? What else do you know?" She shot a suspicious glance.

They reached the end of the pathway. They could either turn into Knockturn Alley or head back. Aria wasn't happy with either option.

"Aria," Cedric said and stopped, staring down at her. "I got your owl." He mumbled and leaned down to kiss her.

She smiled against his lips. The last time he had kissed her she had been unprepared and hadn't had the opportunity to kiss back, she wasn't going to miss this chance.

He pulled away a few minutes later. "I've wanted to do that since the day we met at Hogsmeade." He confessed.

Aria wanted to tell him that she had as well, but the kiss had not only taken away her breath but her ability to form a coherent sentence as well.

"I know you wouldn't consider being with me, but-"

"No! I definitely would." She hurried to change his mind. She couldn't have him thinking that she wasn't interested.


"I mean, it will be tricky. No one looks fondly on inter-house mingling, especially in Slytherin, but we can work something out."

He smiled. "When can I see you again?"

"School starts up again in a few days, we can talk then. I just need some time to think about how we're going to do this. My father won't be very pleased."

"That sounds good."

"I can't wait."

He kissed her again before running off.


"You're late." Professor Snape snapped as Aria came through the fireplace at half-past six. "Where were you?"

"I told you. Christmas shopping."

"For six and a half hours?"


He rolled his eyes. "Fine. Go to your room." He grumbled.

With pleasure.

She slammed her door and locked it tight before jumping onto her bed, anger for her father consuming her.

He doesn't deserve anything from me. Nothing at all, in fact, I don't even want to spend Christmas with him. I would much rather spend it with Cedric.


She smiled at the thought of the handsome boy. Not only was he charming, but her father hated him. He was perfect and Aria was determined to make him hers.

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