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Chapter Ninety

ARIA WAITED IN the common room for him to show.

She knew that she was being petty and disgusting, but she didn't care. George had taken everyone's side over hers. It was a betrayal, especially when he knew how sensitive she was when it came to being his girlfriend and having to deal with the constant criticism from not only his friends but hers as well.

So now it was her chance to betray him.

The blond head of hair that she had been waiting for made its way into the common room and immediately towards Aria. "Hey." Draco sat down on the couch beside her. "Had a crazy Potions lesson today—"

"That's nice." Aria cut him off. She scooted closer to his body, turning to face him and leaning in to whisper into his ear. "You heard that I have my own room now, right?"

He nodded, staying silent as Aria's hands fiddled with his tie.

"Do you want to... come up and study with me?"

Draco gulped and she almost laughed when a strange pink tint appeared on his pale face. "And by study you mean..."

"You know, studying. On the desk, on the bed, on the floor..." She trailed off and sent him a smile before standing up. "If you don't want to—"

"Wait!" He stood up as well. "I want to."

She smirked. "Come on, then. There's this spell I've been dying to show you."

And no more than thirty seconds later did Aria find herself lying flat on her bed, Draco hovering over her, his lips pressed against her collar bone. She had barely finished locking the door before he had picked her up and thrown her onto the mattress. He peeled off her robes and tossed them to the side. Her shirt was in the process of coming off, his mouth moving along her breasts. Aria was surprised by how thoroughly she was enjoying his touch. She went to remove his shirt, but something stopped her.

It wasn't a moment of realization that set in or the desire to do the right thing and not cheat on her shitty boyfriend, instead, it was that bloody ring on her finger that snagged on the hem of Draco's shirt.

Draco stopped as he realized the problem. "You're still wearing that thing?" He stared down at her, now far from her face, nothing but confusion and possibly hurt in his eyes.

Aria didn't answer. She wanted to smash that bloody ring for ruining the moment. Again.

"Aria. Why did you bring me up here?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you could've brought your boyfriend. I know you're still together, you wouldn't still be wearing that thing if you weren't. So why?"

"Because I felt like it, Malfoy."

"Mmm." He stood up and buckled his belt, reaching past her for his robes.

Aria grabbed his arm to stop him. "Draco—"

"What, Aria?" He looked at her with such anger that she flinched when he grabbed his robes from behind her.

"I don't know what you want me to say." She whispered and watched as he fixed his clothes.

"I want you to say that you're not just using me for whenever you and your bloody boyfriend fight!"

"I'm not—"

"That's exactly what you always do!" Draco snapped. "At the Yule Ball, you were angry at him and so you came to me. At my house the other day, I know you were feeling lonely, so you came to me. And now? You're fighting with him again, aren't you?"

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