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Chapter One Hundred and Two

IT HAD BEEN a few days since Aria had last spoken to Draco, aside from the small smiles or nods of acknowledgment in the corridors as they passed one another. It was best to keep their situation on the down-low for the time being.

Aria was on her way to her father's classroom to teach the second years when Horace Slughorn appeared next to her.

"Morning, Aria. Morning." He smiled gruffly, frantically digging in his pockets as he spoke.

"Morning, Horace. How's Potions treating you?"

He mumbled something, shrugging it off. "Good to be back." He added and stopped as they reached Professor Snape's classroom. He clicked his tongue. "There was something I was meaning to ask you. What was it, what was it?"

Aria smiled, she quite liked the new Professor, he was odd.

"Ah, yes!" He grinned at the realization. "I'm hosting a Christmas Party. It really would be wonderful if you could attend. I know you're not a student anymore, but from what I've heard you're a darn good witch. I'd be delighted if you came."

Aria nodded. "Sounds good." It would be a good distraction from all the terrible things happening around her. "I'll be there."

"Excellent." He grinned and began to walk away, stopping again. "Feel free to bring a friend." He winked and hurried off.

The first thought that popped into her mind would be to invite Draco. That of course was not a possibility. She pushed the thought aside and stepped into the classroom. "Morning second-years." She had the Hufflepuff's and Ravenclaw's. "Turn to page forty, we'll be starting off with Disarming Charms."


Days passed quickly. Slytherin was of course defeated in the Quidditch match by none other than Ronald Weasley and the rest of the Gryffindor bunch who didn't hesitate to send her nasty looks whenever she passed. Harry had all but forgotten Aria existed, save for the times she would catch him staring at her and then look away guiltily.

But the Christmas party was fast approaching, only hours away.

Draco and Aria had met up in the library, acting as if it had been coincidental that they were both there at the same time.

"Slughorn invited me to a party this evening. You should come." Aria spoke, reaching for a book a few shelves above her head, her back to his as he examined the shelf opposite her.

"Why would I ever attend that old fools party?"

"Because I'm inviting you. Besides, it's not like I'm asking you to attend, oh, I don't know, Professor Burbage's party. He's a Slytherin like us. I don't see the problem."

"You said yourself I should focus more on the task."

"And you should. I know there's a vanishing cabinet in the Room of Requirement."

"Mmm. Well, I'm tending to it."

"Come to the party."

"I'm busy."

Aria rolled her eyes. "You need to take a break. Have you looked in the mirror lately? You look like you haven't slept in days, Draco."

He shrugged as she turned to look at him, his back still to her as he slid his fingertips across dusty book covers. She stepped between him and the bookcase.

"I'm worried about you."

His grey eyes softened slightly as he looked down at Aria, resisting the urge to kiss her right then. Instead, he lifted her chin with his index finger and brought their faces closer. "Don't be." His lips grazed hers before he pulled away and stepped back. "I'll see you at the party." He mumbled and walked away.

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