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Chapter Eighty-Two

"HARRY!" ARIA SCREECHED at the sight of her brother and ran to hug him. She pulled away, holding him at arms reach, and smiled.

"Good to see you too, Aria." He chuckled and patted her back.

The moment passed and a frown appeared on Aria's face. "How can you smile? How the bloody hell did you get expelled?" She crossed her arms. "What are you going to do?"

He shrugged and turned to Hermione and Ron. "So, what is this place?"

"It's the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix. Dumbledore formed it back when they fought you-know-who."

"Couldn't have put any of this in a letter, I suppose? I've gone all summer without a scrap of news."

"I was going to write you..." Aria began, trailing off. She hadn't been able to find the right words.

"We wanted to write mate," Ron said. "Really we did, only..."

"Only what?"

"Only Dumbledore made us swear not to tell you anything."

Aria huffed. She was the least clued in, even less than Harry it appeared. Then again, could she really expect anyone in the room to trust her? There were rumors of her being a Death Eater, after all, more than a few people probably believed them.

George trailed in, followed by Fred. "Harry."

"Thought we heard your dulcet tones." George slung his arm around Aria.

"Don't bottle it up though, mate. Let it out."

George winked at Aria, grabbed her hand, and pulled her out the door. The others followed.

Fred revealed something from his pocket. An ear. "What in Merlin's name is that?" Aria scrunched up her nose.

"Do you all wanna hear something a little more interesting?" The ear descended to the first floor and immediately picked up on a few voices.

"If anyone has a right to know it's Harry." Someone snapped. "If it wasn't for Harry we wouldn't even know Voldemort was back."

"He's not a child, Molly."

"He's not an adult either."

"And the girl?" Another voice asked.

"Snape's little brat?"

"I will not have you speak of her like that." The sound of something being slammed down harshly onto the table sounded through the ear.

"She's Lily's child as well."

"Doesn't make any difference if she's a Slytherin like him."

Aria's frown deepened. "Who's bloody voice is that?" She ripped her wand from her pocket. "I'll end them."

George shook his head slowly, pressing her wand down as they all continued to listen intently to the conversation happening downstairs.

"How touchingly paternal Black." Aria recognized the voice as she began to listen again. "Perhaps Potter will grow up to be a felon, just like his godfather."

"And perhaps Aria will grow up to be a Death Eater just like her father."

"Oh, both of you be quiet."

"Snape's part of the Order?"

"Git," Fred mumbled, earning a nudge from George. Fortunately, Aria had barely been paying attention to him.

The voices began to falter. All eyes went downwards to where a bloody cat was scratching at the ear. "Who's rat is that?"

"It's a cat." Hermione corrected snottily. "Crookshanks." She called repeatedly until the ear eventually slipped off and the voices were once again low mumbles that no one could make out.

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