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Chapter Seventy-Six

ARIA WAS ALMOST certain she knew what the next task was going to be. At least, she hoped she was right, or else the days spent researching spells to help her breathe underwater would be wasted and she would come last, therefore losing the eternal glory that she was working so hard to achieve.

She was determined to not let that happen.

As she moved from bookshelf to bookshelf in the fairly empty library it became apparent that she was being watched. She felt eyes on her, and as she turned she immediately knew why.

The stare was all too familiar and so was the sound of the footsteps that slowly approached her. Of course, she had been avoiding him since the Yule Ball so it was only natural that he would track her down.

His never-ending stares and overall bad attitude were constantly pestering Aria, but she had been ignoring him since the kiss and was content to keep it that way.

But now that she was cornered between a bookshelf and his body, she feared that the option of simply ignoring him wouldn't work this time. Aria rolled her eyes, avoiding his as she scowled and focused on the tiny scar on his jaw instead.

"Heard of personal space?" She muttered after a moment and finally glared up at him before turning to grab a book on a higher shelf.

He scoffed but didn't move, her backside brushing his front as she attempted to reach the book. "Now you have a problem with personal space? It didn't seem to bother you when you were shoving your tongue down my throat!"

Aria glanced around, panicking that someone may have heard him. She frowned and slapped his chest. "Can you not say that so loudly!"

"Why are you avoiding me?"

"Nothing should have happened between us." She said after what felt like an eternity of staring into his pleading eyes.

"But it did. And you can't tell me that you didn't like it."

Aria thought back to how much she had enjoyed it, especially when he-No! She didn't want to think about it. With a grimace, she turned back to the bookshelf.

"Aria, please."

"What do you want me to say?" She sighed and moved past to sit at a small desk.

"I want you to say that you felt it too," She was about to question what the hell he was on about, but Draco continued. "That spark when we kissed."

When she didn't immediately answer Malfoy grabbed a chair and forced it next to hers, sending her an expectant look.

If that was all it was going to take to get him off of her case, then so be it. "Fine." She admitted. "I felt something. Are you happy now?"

"Very." He smiled broadly and leaned in to kiss her again.

She scoffed and pushed her palm against his lips. "It's not going to happen again. Nothing has changed between us."

His expression of confusion was short-lived, replaced by his usual smugness. "I got you to kiss me once, I can do it again." He shrugged nonchalantly. "It won't be long until you're begging to kiss me, Snape."

Professor Snape appeared at that moment, clearing his throat and raising a quizzical eyebrow as he beheld the scene in front of him.

Aria stifled a laugh and busied herself with the closest book, doing her best to appear innocent and hoping that her father was not aware of her latest match of tonsil tennis and whom it had been with.

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