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Chapter Fifty-Seven

"I HAVE BRILLIANT news, Snape!" Draco strode into the common room, an unusually chipper grin on his face.

Aria hesitantly lifted her eyes from the History of Magic textbook that lay in her lap and narrowed them towards him. His good mood was suspicious, and she wasn't sure that she liked it.

"That stupid bird has been sentenced, he's to be beheaded soon." Draco fell onto the couch next to Aria in glee. "All thanks to my father."

Aria shook her head in disgust. "You're just a baby. That bird did nothing but scratch your stupid arm." She found his good news to be particularly cruel.

"Excuse me," Draco sat up straight in disbelief. "I'll have you know that that creature is bloody deadly."

She rolled her eyes, "Whatever you say. You're just dumb."

Draco snorted and stood up, muttering a few crude remarks that Aria didn't care to hear as she turned back to her textbook, trying to absorb the information on the page. History of Magic was an interesting subject, this section, however, was not. And it didn't seem to end, at least not for the next ten pages.

Draco clicked his tongue. "I trust you know what your boyfriend's been up to all day."

She sent him a glare. "Yes. I do," Aria would be a fool to trust Malfoy on any topic that concerned her love-life, but she couldn't deny that she was a bit curious as to what was going to come out of his mouth next, even if it was total rubbish.

"Then you know that he was in the library with that brunette girl. The one you were complaining about the other day."

"I never complained about her to you." She snapped-his previous statement had been unexpected, she was taken off-guard and was now silently seething.

"Then I must have heard it somewhere that you don't like her. I can't say the same for Weasley, though. He seems to like her an awful lot and she definitely is... more his speed."

"Oh, what a load of rubbish." Aria slammed her book shut with such force that a younger student who sat on the couch opposite her jumped in fright at the sound. She stood up and made to go to her dorm when Draco did the same.

"Believe what you want, Snape." The blond said as he brushed past her, smirking. "But don't say I didn't warn you."

Aria found herself at a loss for words as she watched him disappear up the stairs. Of course, he was speaking total rubbish. Trusting a word that came out of his mouth after his confession would be ludicrous, but still...

Malfoy couldn't have just come up with that rumor from nothing.

Or could he?

She sighed and collapsed onto the couch again.

Aria drummed her fingers on the leather armrest. She had no way of determining if Malfoy had been lying or not now, it was dark out and past curfew.

But Aria couldn't sleep, especially not after what she had just heard, be it true or not, her mind would wander uncontrollably. She would be restless for the entire night if she left things as they were.

Aria decided to leave the common room then. She planned for a walk, perhaps she would sneak into Professor Lupin's class and see what he's been hiding-perhaps discover why he was so obsessed with her.

She needed to be invisible, though, in case someone spotted her. The disillusionment charm was sure to work, but it wouldn't hold for long.


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