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Chapter Eighty-Seven

ARIA STARED DOWN angrily at Harry as he paged through a book in the library.

She reached for his arm and lifted it, ripping the sleeve of his shirt in the process. "What is this." She snapped, staring at the fresh carved wound in his wrist. "It's not even scabbing yet, it's fresh. Who did this to you? I'll teach them a lesson."

"Calm down, Aria. It's nothing." He tried to cover it up with his broken sleeve. "And you've ruined my shirt."

"Who cares about your shirt when you're bleeding! Who did this, Harry?"


"You did this to yourself?" She gulped. "Do you need... help?" Aria knew that some people would purposefully hurt themselves, she just hadn't expected Harry to be one of them. "Should I call someone?"

He sighed and leaned back in his chair. "It's not what you think."

"No? Then what is it?"

"That stupid Umbridge called me a liar for talking about Cedric and gave me detention when I spoke back."

"That doesn't explain why you're hurt." Aria crossed her arms, impatient now.

"I'm getting there, Merlin." Harry rolled his eyes. "She has a special quill that when you write, it carves the words into your skin."

Aria adjusted her position to look at the scratches from a better angle. "I will not tell lies." She read aloud. "That bitch! I am going to my father with this immediately!"

"No, Aria." Harry was quick to stand up and hold her in place.

"And just why shouldn't I? Pretty sure physically harming students is against the rules. Heck, I'll go to Dumbledore if you prefer."

"Please don't say anything."

"I'm tired of this, Harry. Nobody believes us and the ones who do are too scared to say anything. I have to do something, especially now that you're getting physically assaulted because of it."

"I was not physically assaulted for it and honestly, I deserved it."


"Please just let me handle this." Harry pleaded. "Don't say anything to anyone, least of all Dumbledore."

Aria frowned at his pleas but finally gave in. "Fine, but if you don't sort this out soon I'm going to do something about it."

"Alright." Harry sighed in relief and hugged her lightly. "Your concern is touching, by the way."

"You just let me know if you need anything. Anything at all." She squeezed him. "It's what's I'm here for."

And Aria meant anything. She was willing to do whatever it took to protect her loved ones.


"Did you see what happened to Harry?" Aria yelled to George, who glanced around in hopes that the librarian wouldn't come and yell at them. "I'm no fan of Dumbledore, but usually he has his head on right. How can he let that pink disaster come and teach at Hogwarts?

George shrugged. "She is horrid. I got a bit angry when she snapped at you the other day."

"Oh, don't worry about me. Worry about her. If she touches Harry again..." Aria trailed off and noticed that George had been nodding along to her words, evidently not listening and only smiling foolishly at her as she spoke. "George. Are you okay?"

"I love how you're so protective over him."

She smiled and reached for George's hand.

"You only just found out that he's your brother a few months ago and you're already such a great sister. It makes me wonder about our future."

"Why's that?" Aria massaged his hand with her thumb.

"It makes me realize just how great you are around the people you love. You'll be a fantastic mom one day."

Aria found herself internally recoiling at his words. She let out an awkward laugh. "You think about that stuff?"

He nodded, oblivious to her thoughts. "All the time. I can't wait for when we're finished with school and can finally live our lives together." He looked down at her hand. "I love seeing that ring on you."

A series of emotions flooded through Aria. First ecstasy, love, lust, excitement, and then guilt. A huge pang of guilt hit her right in the gut, making her feel physically ill.

She had cheated on him. She had cheated on him with someone he hated no less, someone who she had promised was only her friend and nothing more.

George noticed her reaction and leaned towards her, concerned. "Are you okay?"

She tried to nod but felt her lunch rise in her throat, it was almost too late when she turned to the side and spilled the contents of her guts onto the library floor.

If George knew the truth he would hate her forever. Aria was determined to not let him find out, no matter what it took to do so.

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