Chapter 18 (The peace treaty)

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Hiccup POV

I felt the heat of the morning sun that escape into our bedroom window, the sound of the Terrible Terror singing on the rooftops, and the lovely smell of the fresh air with a hint of Zippleback gas. It was a normal day to day feeling, my eyes open slowly, to be greeted by my hut's wooden ceiling, dozing off is one of my area of expertise and I growl to myself that there was a meeting today, as I try to get out of bed, a slender yet strong arms wrap around my body and a head rested on my chess, blonde long hair dump messily everywhere and light snores could be heard. The sight of seeing my gorgeous wife naked in bed with me was also a day to day basin but I could never ever get tired of her beauty. I could feel her smile, her breast poking my sides. We did not have any... primal activities last night, we just enjoy sleeping naked.

Last night was quite an embarrassment, I did not mean to be so sensitive about a matter that I longed don't care about... I just saw my old... 'friends'(I think we are?) again did bring back those memories but luckily I have an amazing wife who had to help me go through it and managed to make my day another blessing, just like every other day. I don't usually enjoy meetings, to make it even more unpleasing, it is with Vikings that have mistreated and judged me in the past but I'm gonna be the bigger man, letting myself to put the past behind me but all in all, without the past, there will be no future.

Snapping out of my mental state and if I wanted to get ready for the day, the first thing that is needed to do is to get loose of my cling wife as I shook her lightly on her shoulder as I whisper "Hey, hey honey...? Please wake up, we have a meeting to attend to". She stir a bit before letting out a tried growl and face the other side

"10 more minutes..." she grumbles, her blonde unbraided hair tickling my nose and cheeks. I sigh then wrap my hands around her waist, pulling her closer to me

"Come on, sweetheart we need to get ready for the meeting, it's starting soon, and do you want our daughter walking in here to see us like this?" I kissed the side of her golden blonde hair which she turns to face me again and look at me.

"Why do I have to do this stupid meeting?"

"Last time I check you were the one who jumps on me during our wedding and marrying me makes you Dragon's Edge official Cheftess" I smirk and peck her nose as she rolled her eyes, lisps forming a pout after relishing a huff

"Why do I still put up with you?" She yawn

"Because you love me?" I smile innocently while she softy chuckle and nodded, she kissed my jaw as I humm happily

"Ya maybe you are right, come on let's get a bath then I will work on breakfast" she mumbles as she tiredly gets off of the bed, swing the bed sheet aside

"Yes to the bath and no to the breakfast, I don't want to get sick again and possible throw up in the Great Hall" His eyes widen when he realizes what he just said and turn his gaze to his wife who is not red, not out of embarrassment but anger as she glared daggers at me "not-not that your cooking was bad!" I quickly added, in an attempt to save my own ass from being beaten up by my Valkyrie.

"You said you enjoyed my cooking!" She state, crossing her arms over her breast as I rub my neck nervously before letting a sigh of defeat

"Let me guess, I'm sleeping on the floor tonight?"

"No... I will let you off this time since yesterday was pretty ruff for you... so care to join me in for a warm quick bath, dear husband of mine" she winks while I flush a little before nodding and crawl out of bed, put on my peg leg and follow my wife's lead towards the bathroom, install in our bedroom.

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