pot smoke and LED lights pt.2

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-ur still good to come right?

-Bcus Dawn is V excited about it.


-Ofc I'm still good to come! I wouldn't miss hanging out with my two best friends!

-I'll come get y'all at 12 like I promised <3


-okie I'll see you in a few hours.

-text me and let me know when ur on ur way


- <3


-Ilyt <3

Katya placed down her phone and looked around her room. She had her bag sat on her bed all packed and ready to go from the night before. She had called Trixie and they face timed while she packed, Trixie cutting her off mid conversation to remind her to pack things about twenty times. They were taking Dawn to the park for a picnic since Katya's parents were out and she was babysitting Dawn. She wanted to go see Trixie so this was their best solution.

"KATYAAAAA!" Dawn's voiced echoed down the hallway, the sound of her feet slapping against the hardwood getting louder as she ran closer.

"Yes?" Katya poked her head out of her door spotting Dawn charging down the hall immediately. She was still in her PJ's at 10 AM but, at least she was fed.

"I need you to help me pick clothes for the picnic. Trisy is gunna be there!" Dawn pouted up at Katya, her tiny fist wrapped around her duck plushy's arm. Her hair was sticking up in all different directions and she still had chocolate on her cheeks from their pancakes, she was a mess. Katya sighed internally knowing she was going to spend the next hour dressing her sister up to go see her girlfriend.

"Alright, alright I'll help you маленькая утка," Katya said shooing Dawn down the hallway again. She watched her poor duck's face was dragged across the floor and made a note to secretly wash it later.

In Dawns room Katya sat on her sisters small bed and let her talk. Dawn spoke a mile a minute and it was no use trying to get her to stop, so Katya just waited until she had finished blurting and then offered help. She pulled out shorts despite Dawn's protest of a sundress or skirt, and a colorful t-shirt.

"But Katya those aren't pretty clothes!" Dawn frowned as she held up the denim shorts. She pinched them between to fingers and held them away from her like they stunk.

"Yeah but we are going to a park утка, you wont be able to play and run around in a skirt or dress," Katya tried to reason, willing her sister to understand.

"But Trixie wears dresses to the park."

Katya sighed, of course this was the hill Dawn wanted to die on. "Yes but, Trixie is to big to go on the play structures or go on the swing so she can," Katya explained glancing at her phone to check the time. They had an hour and 30 minutes to get Dawn cleaned up, dressed, and packed.

"Then I won't go on the structure or swings either!" Dawn pipped in, walking back to her dresser to put her shorts away.

"But that's no fun Dawn. Trixie and I are taking you so you can have fun." Katya stood walking over to Dawn. She peered in her sisters drawer and spotted a pair of denim overalls, perfect. "What about these?" Katya plucked them out of the drawer and held them up for Dawn to see. "Its a one piece like a dress but has shorts on the bottom so you can play."

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