Big Break

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Katya swung the door open to her home. She stepped inside dropping her bags in defeat. As per usual she was exhausted.

Trixie heard the thump of her fiancee's bags and got up knowing exactly what happened. She walked out of their kitchen to the back door were Katya stood. She had her head leaning back against the door her shoulders slumped and eyes closed. Trixie recognized the look of defeat on her fiancee's face. She walked over and kissed Katya's rosy cheeks gently, her hands holding Katya's face close. After a moment,  she pulled away and brushed the snow off Katya's shoulders, plucking her knit hat off her head.

" Rough day?" She asked already knowing the answer.

" yea." Katya sighed moving with Trixie to slide off her jacket.

" What did he do today?" Trixie asked hanging up Katya's coat.

" He made me go on a coffee run in the middle of this blizzard during lunch hour traffic." Katya mumbled picking up her stuff. She shuffled behind Trixie as she was lead to the kitchen.

" So you didn't eat lunch?" Trixie questioned trying to make sure her hostility towards Katya's boss didn't come out to strong.

" No," Katya huffed as she hopped up on the counter. " I tried to eat in the car, but it was too cold, I couldn't feel my fingers."

" Hmmm." Trixie hummed unsure of what else to say. She hated Katya's boss, he was an asshole. He worked Katya to the bone everyday telling her she would get a raise soon. She had finished her internship months ago but he still treated her like his intern. Trixie had to tried to convince her to say something but She never will. If she gets in with this company her career is set. She is the only woman in her office. She knows they don't respect her, she is well aware. But this job is the opportunity of a lifetime.

" I know Trix, just a few more months." Katya sighed knowing what Trixie was thinking. They've had this talk before and it always ends the same. Trixie telling her to quit and Katya saying she will if it doesn't get better soon.

" You said that a few month ago !" Trixie said turning away from the stove to face Katya. " Its been 'a few more months' and you still come home exhausted and stressed! Mr. Shapero is using you Katya! He knows how important this job is to you and he is milking it!" Trixie snapped. She stared up at her fiancee her eyes wide, brimming with tears.

" I- I know but Trix I ne-" Katya was cut off by Trixie before she could finish her excuse.

" Yea I know you need the job." She mumbled turning back to the stove. " Just go shower dinner is in 20."

Katya hopped off the counter with a sigh. She walked over to Trixie and placed a kiss on her cheek whispering " I'm sorry." Before walking to their bathroom.

She started the water, pacing as she waited for it to heat up. She went over the reports she did for Mr. Shapero, and the minutes she took for one of his meetings too. She was almost done re-typing them but decided to switch over to her own article at the end of the day. She had a lot on her plate right now. She had Mr. Shapero's meeting minutes, she had to send him in the 5 article reviews he made her do, and she had to finishing writing her own article on the cities sewage crisis.

As she was pacing a drop of hot water hit her, reminding her that she was supposed to be showering. She dropped her robe and stepped into the steamy shower, instantly consumed by the hot water.

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