Some R&R Is always good.

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Okay here is some brief context so that this all makes sense when you read it. 

Trixie is a famous youtuber who does makeup videos but also does some travel vlogging as well. 

Her and Katya are already dating and have been for awhile. 

also quick warning the writing is a mess, it switches from present to past without me meaning to, sorry. I don't what I was writing but oh well. 


Trixie and Katya were both exhausted, their flight hand ended up being longer than expected so they ended up getting to their hotel later too. A new beauty brand had send Trixie out on an all exclusive fully  paid for vacation in Fiji. While she was out there all she had to do was vlog her vacation with Katya, and then when she got home do a tutorial sponsored by the brand. It was a very good deal so of course Trixie took it, and of course she took Katya. The fans loved catching small glimpses of her in the background of Trixie's videos, either bringing her food or just coming over to see how she was doing.  Trixie never really included these clips in the final cut but, the she started posting blooper reels and they mostly consisted of those clips of Katya. The videos blew up to her surprise, and the fans started demanding more. Trixie was happy to include Katya, but Katya herself was weary. She liked being private with Trixie, keeping their relationship out of the spotlight, away from the prying eyes of critics and haters waiting to tear them apart. 

"Okay guys that's all I'm gunna vlog for tonight because I'm honestly so tired from all the flying. Katya and I are gunna get a good night sleep and have a chill day tomorrow so, see you then!" Trixie waved into the camera before shutting it off. 

"Please come to bed," Katya groaned knowing she was in the background of the shot lying on their bed. "I wanna sleep." 

"I'm coming I just gotta change the SD card for tomorrow and charge the battery, I'll be one second I promise," Trixie looked over her shoulder to Katya who just groaned and shoved her face into her pillow. 

Trixie always liked to make sure things were prepared for filming, she hated doing anything last minute because it always comes out so sloppy. She knows her and Katya are going to have a chill day so she'll probably give a tour of their villa and talk about what the company has given her. She might even bug Katya a little if she has space left. 

Once everything was done Trixie crawled into bed right into Katya's arms. She was waiting for her, and instantly pulled her closer resting her face in Trixie's bosom. It was hot and sticky but Katya didn't care, she just wanted to be nuzzled under the covers with her girl. She knew that this trip was technically work for Trixie but, she was determined to make sure they had fun too. 


Trixie was getting bored. Katya was napping in their villa catching up on some sleep while Trixie tried to entertain herself. She recorded her tour of the villa and laid of her plans for the trip and for future videos with the brand as well as plan out what they were actually going to do on paper. She could edit the footage and throw together the first video but, her and Katya were also going grocery shopping so they could get food for the villa. She wanted to throw that in at the end so there was more than just a travel compilation and villa tour. 

"Hey guys so I'm bored and I'm pretty sure Katya is either sleeping or reading, we are supposed to go grocery shopping so, like the clingy girlfriend I am, I'm gunna go annoy her so we can go do something," Trixie said to her camera. She pointed the lens towards the inside of the villa, the glass of the patio distorting the image slightly. 

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