Well It Was About Damn Time

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Hello this story is very rushed and has not been edited. I wrote it in an hour because I couldn't sleep and I just couldn't get the idea out of my head. If you look past the bad writing and grammar the story is really cute so please as always...enjoy!


Today was the day, Katya had a plan. She was over the ridiculously long game of romantic chicken her and Trixie had been in since junior year of college for her sophomore year for Trixie. She knew she liked Trixie, and from the annoyed prompting of their combined friend group she knew Trixie liked her back. She was sure Trixie knew she liked her, she wasn't very subtle when it came to her feelings. So now they were stuck, daring each other to admit it first. Katya was tired of it, she wanted Trixie now. Wanted to be able to hold her hand as more than friends, and cuddles as more than friends. She wanted to be more than friends. 

Katya quickly glanced up to the clock seeing it was already 4:30, She was expecting Trixie in a half hour, coming to pick her up for dinner once she was done her shift. The dinner was of course planned by Katya as per part of her plan, she knew if she tried anything to fancy Trixie would get suspicious so she kept it chill making it at their favorite diner. 

"You look nervous Zamo, are you starting to have second thoughts?" Ginger's southern drawl rang through crowded vintage store. 

Katya eyed Ginger as she casually strolled up to the front counter not even bothering to look like a customer. Katya's boss Jinkx was pretty relaxed and didn't mind anyways so Ginger never put in the effort unless other customers were around. 

"I'm not having second thoughts, I am very committed to my plan." Katya sniffed opening the register. She began to count the money giving her hands so something to do so she didn't seem to obviously nervous. 

"I swear to god if you come to the dorm tonight without that pink disaster hanging off your arm I'm kicking you out." Ginger huffed flipping her hair over her shoulder. 

"You can't kick me out anyways but, I will be coming back to the dorm with that beautiful barbie." Katya glanced up from the register. Ginger fixed her with a hard stare raising her brow. She didn't look convinced. "I swear!" Katya defended. 

"What do you swear?" Jinkx asked rounding the corner in another of their gothy witch looks. Their hair was a frizzy orange mess but somehow, it worked, it always did. 

"Katya is finally asking out the girl she has been pining after for three years," Ginger provided when katya stayed silent. She would have preferred to keep her boss out of this but with Ginger's big mouth she should have known that was impossible. 

"Three years is a long time to wait, you must really like this girl," Jinkx came behind the counter resting on a stool near Katya. She watched Katya expectantly waiting for her to answer. 

"I do-" Katya started. 

"She practically wets her panties every time she sees the damn barbie dream girl." Ginger cut Katya off with a loud snort using air quotes around 'barbies dream girl'. 

"I do not!" Katya smacked Ginger's shoulders trying to hide the small blush that crept onto her cheeks at the mention of Trixie. 

"Whatever you say," Ginger rolled her eyes lifting herself up from where she was leaning against the glass counter. "I'm leaving. Have fun with Trixie, she'll be here in ten minutes!" she called over her shoulder as she left, laughing when Katya's eyes got wide at the mention of the time. 

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