Oh maiden my maiden (#3)

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Trixie clutched the skirt of her dress in her hands as she scurried down the hallway. She was going as fast as her feet would carry her urgency in her steps. As fast as she may be going though, she was still cautious. She checked each corner before she turned, her eyes on the lookout for anybody. Trixie had now become accustomed to her knew home, the halls now all familiar. She has mapped out the fastest routes around the castle, and found the best places to hide.
Trixie didn't really like Ivan's castle, it wasn't as cozy as her old one . It was cold and dark with very little decor. It didn't feel lived in to her, she felt like it was more of a display. Like it was a front used to keep up appearances. To remind his people that he was in-fact much better than them.

Trixie found out very quickly after her arrival that Ivan's family was all about appearances. She listened to them plan for wars with the intention of keeping themselves safe first. She watched Ivan continue to cut food rations throughout the town to save money for more weapons. She listened to his people, his subjects ask him for more food, for help, crying out in need. She saw how Ivan pretended to care, listening and upping rations for a week before taking them again. Eventually things got so bad people turned to her, their new queen for help.


Trixie was sat beside Ivan their hands interlaced. It was the first day of the new month so that meant people could come speak to their king and request things. During this day Trixie was usually ignored, the only time she was acknowledged was when someone first came up, and when they left. Today was no different, Trixie sat in her uncomfortable steel throne her hand held hostage in Ivan's. She sat with good posture and kept her face neutral. She had gotten very good at looking present when she wasn't. She would let herself daydream, her mind taking her away to memories of her and Katya. She found herself doing that often, thinking of Katya wishing she could physically be with her in the moment. She missed the way things were between them. They used to see each other more often, they got to kiss and hold each other behind the closed door of Trixie's bedroom whispering sweet nothings in each others ears. But now that doesn't happen anymore, Trixie's bedroom is no longer a sanctuary because it is not hers. She shares it with Ivan. He always has one of his servants lurking never leaving Trixie and Katya alone. Trixie had a sneaking suspicion that one of his staff heard or saw her and Katya on the day of the wedding.

" Beatrice!" Trixie was shaken from her stupor by Ivan. He was lightly hissing in her ear his hands gripping her forearm in way a way that reminded her all to much of her father.

" oh, yes dear." Trixie smiled trying to act normal. Why was the room empty, was the day over? Did she really let herself escape through the entire day?

" I must leave to attend to an important...issue. You will be taking over for the rest of the day." Ivan stood letting go of Trixie's arm. He began to walk away but look over his shoulder at her " Just say you'll ask me for all of the issues, can't let them think you have any power." He chuckled shaking his head.

Trixie sat in shock watching him leave. His arrogance shouldn't get to her anymore but it still does, it gets under her skin and makes her irrational. It makes her plot out evil fantasies that she knows she could never have come true. Despite her irritation Trixie sat up straight and waited as the doors opened up once again, a long line of subjects being revealed.

"please m'lady I beg you for some kindness and mercy," an older man dropped to his knee in-front of  her. She couldn't help but feel sentiment for him wishing she could help. " My family is starving, my wife is pregnant and my oldest boy is so weak he can barley work enough to help feed his mother. Please m'lady we need food." The man begged his head dropping down. Trixie couldn't tell if it was from exhaustion or respect.

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