Tough as nails pt.3

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this chapter is extremely violent and talks about abuse in detail. 


"Sasha." Katya warned Watching the young Russian girl in front of her. She really hated what she was pushing but, they all had to do it.

" I- I-" Sasha stuttered the heavy gun wavering in her skinny arms.

She was crying, hot tears sliding down her red cheeks. She couldn't do this. Killing another human being went against all her morals. How could she live with herself after.

" Do it girl." Katya gritted her patience holding on by its final thread, threatening to snap. She loved Sasha but she could only turn a blind eye to her behavior so many times. Watching her struggle like this meant she was going to have to put in an office job. But maybe that's for the best, being a hit-woman didn't seem to fit with Sasha too much. At least that was what Katya was witnessing right now.

Sasha heaved, her copper bangs slick against her forehead from sweat. She could feel her knees threatening to buckle her entire body shaking. In that moment she wished she was Katya. Katya was so distant and un-phased. It seemed as if she pulled her murder off with ease, her conscience no heavier than before. Sasha let out one last shuddering breath before she let herself shut down. She let her mind drift away to a place of no emotions, a place where she would feel no guilt for what she was about to do.

The man Katya had strapped to a chair for her seemed to notice the shift in her demeanor. He saw her eyes harden and knew what was about to happen. He screamed, begging for his life in a final attempt to save himself. But his attempts where futile.

"Shut up!" Sasha hissed. His screaming was so loud, it was getting to her mixing with her own screaming voices in her head. Sasha smashed the butt of the gun against the mans forehead then shot him when he fell unconscious. It was too real when his eyes were open, when she could see his chest rise and fall, his lungs taking in oxygen, keeping him alive. She wasn't brave enough to do it to him when it felt real.

The moment The room became silent Sasha let out a sob. She fell to her knees landing in the puddle of blood before her. She let the gun fall from her hand , jumping from the bang it made when it hit the concrete. She knew what she was doing looked bad. She listened to Katya prepare her before it was announced she would be watching over Sasha. She listened and she knew, but she didn't care. She wanted an office job, she would rather keep the books then murder people for money. She would rather count the bloody money and clean it.

"Sasha." Katya walked over slowly. She placed a gentle hand on the redhead's shoulder. "It's done, you're done." She soothed slowly rubbing the younger girls back as she cried. She knew how hard this was, hers was still fresh in her mind even though it happened 3 years ago. She can remember the pain she felt when she cried in her car that night and thought about how it was amplified for Sasha.

"Sasha hon, we gotta go the cleaning crew is going to be here in 5 minutes and they can't see you crying." Katya explained grabbing the young girls face to get her attention. Sasha turned to her silently her eyes brimmed with tears, lip quivering too. Katya gave her a small smile and helped her up dragging her out of the building.

That night Sasha sat in the car crying while Katya got rid of the gun. She became putty her brain shutting itself off to protect her. She moved mindlessly as Katya undressed her and sponged the blood from her skin. She was gone letting Katya tuck her in bed and burn her clothes.

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