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Amals pov

Three days
its been three days and I haven't seen taha once,
he just ignores me, my knocks, my calls, my messages,

we havent spoken once after that day in the plane,


"ARE YOU DEAD?" I screamed I frustration

"still not talking?" dominoes asked walking towards me

I nodded in a no and and placed my chin on my palms,

"I irritated the hell out of him he is still not responding do you think he is dead? should we break the door?"

"umm amal he left like an hour ago" dom informed hesitantly

"WHAT?? HOW?? I am sitting here infront of his door from last three hours I didnt see him, he cant even sneak out since I was resting my back on the door"

he stifled a laugh

"he has a hidden emergency exit in his room"

"ahh dom why is he behaving like this?"  I whined stomping my feet in frustration

"I do know where he is" dom grinned at me

Taha's pov

I cant believe I told her that I love her,

I was avoiding her from so many days,

I cant fall in love with her,

I just cant fall in love with her,

how can I betray ayat?

I am supposed to bear the punishment ayat. sentenced me with.

how can I do this to her?

I have no right to be happy.

"TAHA I SWEAR TO GOD I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!!!!" a hoarse scream echoed in the whole park as amal ran towards to me

I groaned in disbelief as she charged towards me like a crazy bull.

she jumped on me and started to pull my hair

"aghh amal stop!!!"

"you have any idea how worried I was?"
she kicked me off from the park bench and I stood up running away from her

after a good session of running and getting hit we finally sat down on the grass tired and sweating

we sat in silence till it became awkward


"listen to me first taha" she stared in my eyes

oh those eyes just like ayat,

"taha, you dont have to be embarrassed or sorry for loving me" she said with so much sincerity that I could feel it

her eyes welling up with tears, her chin quivering just like ayat

being with her is only way I can feel a tiny bit closer to ayat

i was unsure and guilty before this moment but now I just want to be selfish and be with her, hold her In my arms just like I wanted to hold ayat, protect her just like I wanted to protect ayat.

"taha what happened?" she asked me breaking me out of my trance

"amal, I know you love samad and you can never love anybody except him, and you also know that I can never love you the way I love ayat, but what matters is I do love you and you, well you atleast like me as a person" I shrugged my shoulders smiling at her

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