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Taha's pov

she turned back and looked at me confused, her eyes demanding answers,

I stood there unable to talk, my mind was blank, I never wanted her to know this, I never wanted anyone to know this.

"what is this?" she asked waving the picture that was clutched in her hand

"what are you doing here?"

"WHAT IS THIS???" she screamed

"amal" I walked closer to her my eyes pleading her to forget this

she took a step back raising her hand motioning me to stop

"Answer me first" her voice shaked

she looked at me her teary eyes pleading me

I sighed sitting on the edge of the bed and closed my eyes

"I am her grandson"

she fell on her knees

"you are fatema bee's grandson?"
she looked even more confused now

I nodded

"but she just had a son and 12 year old granddaughter"

"no she had two sons, my father malik abrar was her elder son"

"why did you hide it from me, and why did she never mention you?" she asked looking at the picture in her hand

"because we had to keep it a secret for the sake of her safety" I answered looking at her

"but how come arhams enemies grandmother was working at his house and he never knew, how is this possible?"

"I never knew she worked for arham"

"did she know you are a mafia?" she asked looking at me with her bloodshot eyes

"no she didnt"

I have to tell her everything,

I have to talk about the thing I have not talked about to anyone in last 14  years of my life,

I breathed in heavily gathering all the mental strength I had

i sat down on the other edge of the bed

"my father malik abrar passed away when I was 15" my voice shaked as my mind travelled back to the memories I have blocked somewhere safe

she turned her face and looked at me, I continued

"six months after abba's death my mother faroona khatoon married another man whose only condition was that she should break all ties with me and never see me or daadi ammi ever again" I paused as I felt my heart ache with the same pain I felt years ago when I saw my mother marry someone else and leave me all by myself in this world

"I..I am sorry, that must've been so hard taha" she looked at me feeling my pain her chin quivering as she tried to hold back her tears

no one ever felt the pain I did,
even if they said they did

I looked at her not finding anything to say so I continued with the story

"daadi ammi took me with her and took care of me, months passed and my depression grew deeper, I was angry all the time, I was angry at allah, at my mother and the whole world, before I could realise that it was wrong and harmful I was a drug addict" I gulped down the painful lump in my throat and avoided her eyes

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