coming soon

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Amals pov

I stared at the ceiling
I dont cry anymore
which felt odd

there were times there are times when I want to cry but no tears form in my eyes

when arham slaps me on most tiniest mistakes I want to cry but no tears form in my eyes

when arham rapes me i want to cry but then again my eyes are as dry as they can be

when I miss my parents I want to cry

when I miss my old life I want to cry

when I miss interior designing I want to cry

when I miss freedom I want to cry

when I miss normalcy I want to cry

when I miss the feeling of being loved and cared and treated kindly I want to cry

but then again
I am no longer capable to cry

I am no longer amal fiza sheikh

I am no longer daddy's little girl

I am no longer mumma's princess

I am no longer the best student of my class

I am no longer samad's best freind

I am no longer the girl who used to spend half of her free times in book cafes

I am no longer the girl who used to help samad break up with his clingy fild digger girl freinds

I am no longer the girl who used to beat the crap out of road side romeos

a slave
a trophy wife
a object placed in his house for his pleasure
a pet trained to amuse him

I am no longer living


I made a final mark on the floor plan of the house and rolled the sheet, stuffing it into the container safely

I breathed out in relief as the final plan was ready,

now we just need to wait for the right moment and then strike.

I lied on the bed exhausted,
I havent slept or rested or even sat peacefully for so long that I dont even remember

staring at the ceiling I whispered

I am coming soon amal

and fell asleep.

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