the last punishment

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samads pov

ever since i met amals husband i am not at peace,
a thought occurs in my mind again and again he looked really possessive,
possessive in an unusual way,
may be its my love for amal that makes me think bad of him, may be i am jealous but he really seemed arrogant and manner less,
and why did he decide to talk like this about his wife with another man i am freind to amal but a stranger to him at the end of the day.

may be i should visit amal
no...if i visit he will probably doubt her
may be she is angry about the awards night,
ughhh what to do
the thought that amal is not happy makes my heart bleed
i am in a tight spot after all she is married now,
i dont want her husband to doubt her like this,
she is probably happy living her dream in new york,
she doesnt even thinks of me probably,
but i cant stop thinking about her i need to find out if she is happy then only my heart will be at peace...

warning: this part contains sexual abuse and mental abuse

Amal's pov

i sat on the floor hugging my knees and resting my forehead on them,
this room does not have a single source of light, little bit of light comes from the crack of the door but that too is not seen today because the houses lights are switched off at night after arham sleeps i think its been two days when arham last visited me,
i count minutes to pass time sometimes or i recite ayat al kursi when i am very scared or i shower, sometimes i walk around in the room, i repeat this cycle because there is nothing to do here,
there is not even a single object in this room and this white walls make this room more scarier.

i saw the light switch on and the rooms door opened, arham stood there i looked at him with squinted eyes the light blinding my eyes i looked down not able to bear the light,

standing in the doorway he said "stand up"

i tried to stand up but i was too weak i put all my weight on the bed and tried to get up when i finally stood up my head spinned like a roller coaster and i fell down on the bed again i sat there clutching my head tightly

"STAND UP I SAID" he yelled i stood up swaying a little

he came near me and dragged me to the bathroom starting the shower he pushed me under it as soon as the ice cold water hit me i gasped

i tried to get away from the shower but arham caged me there

"remove your clothes"

"arham i am cold please turn off the shower" i said shivering


i removed my clothes
"follow me to the bedroom"

i stepped out of the bathroom my hands covering my chest i looked around for something i found the bedsheet and wrapped it around me arham turned around and slapped me hard i fell on the bed and bedsheet fell from my body

"did i tell you to wear anything"

i stood up
"are you asking me to come out naked?"
i asked him my eyes wide out of their sockets

"you dont have the right to question me"

"arham this..."

"you should have thought of this before you decided to disobey me"

ohhh so this is the punishment for disobeying him he will make me do whatever he wants

"get up before i lose my patience" he said glaring at me

i stood up and covered my self with my hands which did not help with anything

he walked out of the door and turned around

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