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Today total view count of story reached 100k I am so happy,
thank you so much for investing your valuable time in my story, and supporting and waiting for my late updates, I am forever grateful

just one little thing
100k views and not even 6k votes?
is this fair?
to all the readers who dont vote atleast leave a reason in the comments section for not voting I deserve an explanation,
If you dont vote atleast comment and tell me that what made you not like the update so may be I can fix it,
please dont just not vote for no reason at all, either vote or if you dont vote give me a reason please may be I can improve or anything

thank you to all those who read vote and comment

love you guys


Amals pov

"hi taha"
"hi boss"
"salam taha"

I watched as people passed by greeting him

"how many people work for you?" I asked

"around 800? a rough figure"

"800?" I stopped walking

"what happened I knew you'll get tired, you cant walk right, you didnt even take the walking stand, come on let's go back" taha panicked turning back towards my room

"no no, it's just 800 people is a lot"

"yeah but we are like a family" he smiled calimg down

"how come I see no windows?" i aaked looking around the long hallway.

he smirked
"because we are underground"

"oh my god how many more amazing facts are left to be unveiled" I remarked

"what's behind this doors" I asked as I saw that there were multiple doors like a hotel corridor

"we are at the medical wing right now, so just some rooms, ICU, operation theatre etc"

"medical wing, how big exactly this place is?"

"big enough to fulfill our every need without having to go outside and be vulnerable"

finally the corridor ended we took a left turn and came right infront of a elevator

we stepped in and he pushed a button for guest floor I looked at the panel to see around 6 buttons

6 floors under the ground?

"do all 800 people live here permanently?"

"no just 350 including the help staff"

the elevator door opened to reveal a huge hangout area sort of, there were around hundred people chilling, playing games, or just talking,

out of hundred people 60 to 70 were women

they all looked at me like I was some alien and had green coloured skin and two light bulbs hanging out from my nose.

I scooted closer to taha
I dont know why, but I did

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