Chapter 7~ Tylers pov

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I'm actually quite worried about Troy. Oh wait it's Troy with an e. I went through all of his past tweets and it was very alarming. He would say things like

"I'm feeling rather happy today. 😃" But then people would be like "well I'm here to make your life a living hell."

It's terrible what people say. I mean I would know from experience, but these are much worse. There was one that stuck out. It was a screen shot on notes.

"Why do people even favorite and retweets your tweets? You dumb bitch. You aren't funny at all. You should just give up and kill yourself you scum. It's cheesy failed abortions like your too anorexic ass that fuck up Twitter. So do me a favor and hang yourself in you moms basement." The persons username was @IHateTroyeSivan

274 favorites and 137 retweets. Wow. That just. Wow. I notice that he had tweeted that person back.

"I wish I could..." That was his last tweets before ours. That was on... Thursday. Today is Saturday.

So he's suicidal? No! Well, he seemed very jumpy when I bumped into him and spilled my coffee all over him.

What was weird was that he stopped all movement for a while and just stared fore longingly. His face went paler than his natural skin tone. This was all while I, the self promo queen, noticed he dropped his phone and picked it up for him. I was also being a nice citizen and doing him the favor of having to follow me on all of my social media. I know what you're thinking, Queen.

I hope he's ok. Last night when we were tweeting back and forth he just suddenly stopped replying. I'm sure that he's getting a lot of notifications still because I sure am.

I decided that the best way to take my mind off the deep-dark-tree-in-the-shade colored hair boy.

Hey y'all, use #AskTylerAnything to ask questions for my next video!

"Well hello there! My name is Tyler Oakley, and it's time for another Q&Slay!" I clap my hands like usual between the second part.

"Ok. The first question y'all came up with was. 'What is the most memorable event for 2014?'" It took a little while so I might have to edit that...

"Umm... I'd say my costume for Halloween. It slayed. I slayed wearing it." I muttered a little bit more under my breath, but it wouldn't be picked up. "And I slayed the dude I hooked up with."

"Next question!" This went on for a little bit, but the next question that I had noticed was totally un called for. I went a head and read it on camera.

"Why the fuck were you talking to that stupid fat ass? #AskTylerAnything"

"Ok, first of all what the fuck gives you the right to beat someone else down just Because it can be done. You know what? Now I'm fucking pissed. I was talking to a possible new friend. I could use some of those in real life. Considering I just moved here. So before you insult anyone don't." My face getting more and more red as I continued ranting.

"That's all for this weeks video. See you later." I had to record the last part like ten minutes later when I finally cooled down. But it didn't help a whole lot.

Why did I get so defensive? I just met him. But he's so intriguing, and so what's the word I'm looking for? Ah, mysterious.

A/N~ So the big hate comment is one a youtuber (the one in the picture) named jacksepticeye got in a reading your comments vid. Fucked up isnt? Well, here's Tyler's perspective on things! I love you all! If you liked, please comment and vote! Yesterday I hit 200 reads on this and now it's almost at 300! Thank you all! <33333 ~J

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