Chapter 5~Troye's pov

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"Ugh. Stupid accent. I can't even say his name right." Stupid me. Stupid hair. Stupid birthmark. Stupid boy. I fall backward onto my bed after like ten minutes of testing his name out.

"Who is he?" Sage interrupted my very obviously important moment of thought.

"Who? What are you talking about?" I play dumb. Ha might as well mess with her.

She repeated what I had been saying for the past 10 minutes now as if to make her point clear.

"It's no one. Just someone that ran into me and spilled their coffee all over me." I reply thinking oh it's not a big deal to tell, but oh was I wrong.

"Troye's got a boy! Troye's got a boy!" She starts chanting, and I try to get her to shut up.

"I do not have a boy, nor will I." I say strictly.

"Whatever Troye. I'll be in my room if you wanna talk about your crush or boyfriend for all I know." She ended with a wink before running off. I always throw a pillow at her when she's being annoying, but I only have one on my bed. The rest are in a pile from the previous times when I throw them at her.

After about ten minutes of thinking about life and how unfair it is, I decided I would waste some more time in tumblr and twitter and whatever social media. Everything was totally normal except when I saw a post on tumblr. It was a picture of me. With coffee spilt on me. Did Tyler really take a picture of me? The caption read...

"@Tyleroakley Ran into this twink. Sorry about the coffee. I guess I'll just have to get you a new one."

Who is this man? Who does he think he's calling a twink? How in the world does this have so many notes? 4,315 notes! Is he famous or something and I just didn't recognize him? I went on twit we and noticed that I was tagged in the same picture. It said the same thing. It has 12.9k favorites?! Ok I'm checking him out. I tap on his profile and read his bio. He has 3.4m followers. He's a youtuber, podcaster, addicted to tumblr and he looks like that?! He's freaking hot. No Troye calm down. I look at some of the tweets on his picture of me, and it's kind of amusing and I find myself blushing.

"Frickle Frackle!"

"Who was on bottom?"

"Tyler, do you need some Advil?"

"Who is that very attractive person?"

"Why is he wet? Tyler did you cum and he wasn't ready?"

Wow. Ok well I think I'm just going to click this lovely little link here that conveniently goes to his channel. I better tweet him back real quick. Umm... Ok. Flirting or no? Well he seems like the type of person that can take a joke. I guess a little bit of flirting can't hurt.

"@Tyleroakley Stalker. Well I don't mind, it's not stalking if the person enjoys it.😉"

Almost instantly I got loads of notifications of people favoriting, retweeting, and following me. I looked at some of the tweets and a lot of them were of #Troyler. Hmm... Troyler? I have a ship name with someone I just met and is pretty much famous? What is this world.

"@Troyesivan Did you just accuse the queen of stalking someone that ran into me?"

Did he just call himself the queen? Did he just say I ran into him? No. no. no.

"@Tyleroakley I don't believe that's how it went. You ran into me."

"@Troyesivan Don't you sass the sass queen."

"@Tyleroakley Queen huh?"

"@Troyesivan No. It's Tyler to you."

"@Tyleroakley But what happened to Queen? Why do you call yourself Queen anyway?"

"@Troyesivan Umm. People?! We have a problem. This twink doesn't watch my videos."

Many tweets were saying how dare you, well it's never too late to start, have fun 😉, and the monkey covering it's mouth. I laughed. Wait. What? I just laughed. No. I don't laugh. I'm not a happy person. I don't deserve happiness. I can't have it. I lock my phone and set it on my bedside table. It starts buzzing like crazy with, i'm assuming, notifications. I just ignore them. I don't deserve all of this attention. I don't deserve the followers, the ship name, Tyler Oakley tweeting me, none of it. With that I lay on my back staring at the ceiling listing reasons that I should die and that I don't deserve happiness until I fall asleep. I hate sleep. That's when it all comes back.

A/N~ Sorry I haven't updated in a while... I'm a procrastinator. I hope you enjoyed! Do you guys like longer chapters? This chapter is all over the place. Ahh! Also you should check out "The State Of Dreaming" by Troyeslittlenugget it's amazing! Go. Now. Thanks for reading! Love you! Bye! XXX~J

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