Chapter 1~Troyes pov

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"Troye please don't do this today. Don't ignore me. Hunny? Troye Sivan Mellet!" I should feel sad or mad that my mother won't stop bugging me, but I feel nothing. Numb you may call it. Some people call it depression. I just think it's because I'm alone. Can't trust. Hate myself. Everything about myself. I hate my curse. People hate me, If they even notice me... Sometimes, a lot of times, I just want it to end. Kill myself right here right now. It never works though. My damn curse never let's me. It hurts to know that people can be so happy, so excited about things. I see black and white, figuratively speaking, and other people see colors. In fact they see the rainbow everyday. How can people have such good memories and dreams. Memories to cherish and think about, but forget about them until they are brought back up to the surface? Why don't people realize what they have is fucking fantastic compared to what people like me, if there are any, have in their life? Why do I have to be the one to see the memories resurface? It's not fair. Seeing these memories of people laughing, and having a good time should make me have some sort of emotion besides numb, but nothing. I feel nothing. Not happy. Not cheerful. Not a thing. Most definitely not love.
I walk into my room like I always do. Every. Day. Of. My. Life.
Fun right? No seriously all I do with my life is school, twitter, tumblr, and sleep (sometimes). A lot of the time I sit in my room thinking about how it'd feel to... feel.
I heard steps just before my door opens wide. My mother stepping in, immediately walking over to my bed, currently where I am, and grabbing ahold of my hands. She slowly sits down before opening her mouth. "Troye what has gotten into you this past year?" She looked up at me and now I can see all of the concern in her rather dry eyes. Now that I see it, her cheeks are a little red too. I shrug my shoulder before speaking up. "What do you mean?" I say rather blandly.
She sighed. "That is what I mean." She gestured to me. " you aren't... what you used to be."
When I stayed silent she continued.
"You used to be so full of life, and jumping around with excitement. I miss my Troye." Tears slowly fall down her cheeks. I don't feel empathy, or anything. I know I should feel something. Like bad for being such a terrible child? I hug her to comfort her. Not for me because I get absolutely no enjoyment out of hugs. They just bring pain. Suffering. Happiness. I get the familiar, but not so familiar headache and sting in my hands.
(A/N~This is how it's going to be whoever he touches and if I decide that he gets their dream or memory, it's from their pov. Does that even make sense?! Whatever... If you have questions just ask. I'm not going to say who it is all the time, but this is Laurelle's pov.)
"Troye baby come here in the kitchen we need to talk." I say giggling, trying to sound somewhat serious. This will be hilarious!
"What did I do now?!" He says just turning the corner into the kitchen. "FIRE!!!" I begin squirting the water guns fuel at Troye along with Tyde, Sage, Steele, and Shaun. (The gang, you could say.) Good do I love this family.
"Oh it's on." Troye says determined, running to the sink, grabbing the hose, and spraying us all. "Abort! Abort! Abort!"
A/N~ So what y'all think about this? Please comment, and vote! I'm going to try to update at least once a week. Hopefully. I want to try to make this as amazing as possible! Love y'all! ~J

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