Chapter 13~Troyes pov

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They say no one knows what they have until its gone. What is that directed at? Money? Objects? Love? Friends? People in general? Who took them away? What made them be gone? Where is gone? Will people blame the person at fault when it was unintentional?

Maybe. Oh. Why does it have to be this way?

Tyler has so many fans. What if something happens to him? What if he dies? What if it's all my fault? He can't die. He can't be hurt. I can't let him. What if someone comes after me again and Tyler happens to be there again? He could be killed and I would be the one to blame for it. Everyone that has ever know Tyler Oakley will know my name and despise it.

It's not like they don't already hate me. People were just giving hate about how Tyler could be talking to better people other than wasting time on me. Sometimes the hate makes me question what I'm doing with my life. Am I living or just slowly dying?

Why do I have to do this? I wish there was another way. Another answer, but there isn't one as far as I can see.

I have to leave Tyler. Make him hate me. Ignore him. I can't let him close. I can't let anyone close. I'm dangerous. This terrible nightmare I thought would go away has planted itself in my reality. It's not welcome, but I have to deal with it.

God? If you're there or if you even exist, can you please show me an better way?


I didn't think so. I hardly ever talk to god anymore. I've seen no valid reason to when he doesn't answer ever. All I need is one simple thing and I can never get it. I shake Tyler awake from his deep slumber on the uncomfortable couch.

"Hey Tyler. Can you leave?" I ask almost letting my serious face falter into a sad one.

"Um.. I guess. Yeah sure. If that's uh what you want." He grabbed his phone of the table to his left and stood up. "I guess I'll just uh go now. Bye Troye."

As soon as he closes the door I break down into tears. Why did I have to do that? God, why did you make me like this? What made my have this stupid power thing?! I don't understand! I never get any answers! I fall asleep during my crying outrage.

A/N~ Looking back at this chapter, it's short and not very important, but hey I updated! Whoop whoop! Oh this a/n is not the right tone for this chapter it's a total contrast! Haha love y'all and hope you have a fantastic day/night!<333~J

Guess what?! My mum just ordered me a Frantastic Monday Shirt! AND I got noticed by Tyler Oakley on tumblr on my post about doing a project about him. I asked him questions on it and spelled out the happy birthday song and used queen as his name, but he didn't answer a single question! It was no help at all! But I get noticed for the second time but him!!!! Ok I'm done freaking out!

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