Chapter 19~ Troyes pov

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A/N~ Sorry I haven't been making it too clear what is the "dream" world and what is the "real" world. For now on it'll be italicized.

I hear muffled sounds and a weird leather-but-not-actually-leather sound. I see that I'm so rounded by dirt and it's dark. There's a light above me though, so I look up to see a cut rope.

"Hey" They take a huge breath. "You helped me" They take another breath. "Thank you."

"You're welcome-" He cut me off by ushering me to get up.

"Come on we need to get out of here before they come find us!" We run over to the bridge that goes over to the forest, but we hear people yelling and stampeding towards us. The man runs into the forest and climbs a tree, but when I try to do it I fail. I look around, but I see no where that I can easily get to and successfully hide. I look up to the man to see that he's pointing to the bridge. Quickly, I run and slide under the bridge. Luckily there was a dry part.

"Find them you incompetent idiots!" A very deep voice comes from the sky; everywhere. Just like last time. Wait, where's Ronnoc? Is he okay? The guards run back over the bridge to the town, but while they are crossing, a loud cracking sound emerges from the bridge and a piece starts falling directly above me. Frozen in fear, I can't move. I hear a small thud in the distance and yelling. I look to the piece, but am pushed to the ground.

I wasn't ready to wake up yet! Who was that?!

"Troye? Troye? Wake up Troye! It's your principle." I feel some taps on both of my cheeks. I figure that I should open my eyes. God I hope I'm not in a hospital. Again. I sigh with relief at the sight of the nurses office.

"Troye, does your head hurt at all?" I nod.

"Put up the number of fingers that it hurts. Ten being the most." I bring up seven fingers.

"Do you think you need medical attention from a hospital?" I don't think it's that bad, but it definitely hurts. Not so much my head, for some unknown reason, but my stomach does. I shake my head. "Okay I have contacted your guardian. His name is Steele, correct?" I nod this time. Guardian. Such a formal word. I hate formal words.

I think I'll call Tyler. Wait.. I'm in school. Shit. This is fucking boring though. Maybe I can just text him. I open my phone and see the time. Holy shit. 4:23pm. It was just lunch! I guess I can call him.

Pov switch to Tyler.

My phone starts ringing and I fish my phone out of my pocket to see the contact name. Troye Sivan. I'm siting just outside the nurses office, which makes this super ironic. I walk in holding my phone in the air.

"Ya fucking weirdo I'm right here." I hear a cough from behind the open door and close it to see who it is. Principle Franta.

"Excuse me Tyler, but I am pretty sure cursing is prohibited on school grounds, but seeing as it's after school, I'll let it slide." He adds a wink at the end. I'll be totally honest, Mr. Franta is fucking hot. Yet, I wouldn't do anything with him. He seems like he'd be a good friend. I ignore him and walk over to Troye, which has an causing look on his face. Does he think... Oh gods of the internet he couldn't be more wrong. I shake my head trying to tell him no, but he just looks even more accusingly at me. I speak without turning around.

"Mr. Franta? Do you think I could stay and talk with Troye until his brother gets here?" He mummers a 'uhuh', but doesn't move so I turn around to see him staring at, presumably, my butt. "Privately?" He nods once more not paying attention to me. I snap in front of his face. "Mr. Franta." He scuries up with a red face. That's right be embarrassed.

"Ugh, yes. I will leave you two alone." He leaves and closes the door, but just when I think he's gone he pushes the door open just a crack. "Don't do anything your mother wouldn't approve of." He closes the door all the way and laughs. I facepalm mentally.

"What was that for? He was just joking!" Troye laughs.

"What was what for?" I ask confusedly. He motions his hand to facepalm. Wait. Did I actually facepalm? Wow Tyler. Just wow. I laugh super hard, and fall back in a chair. Troye joins along, probably laughing at my witch cackle. I stop finally when I remember why we're still here this late after school.

"So Troye, how do you feel." He shrugs.

"My stomachs kind of hurts." That's all?

"What about your head? I saw that they-" He gives me a huge-eyed look.

"You saw the whole thing?" Oh no.

"No Troye-"

"And you didn't do anything about it?! You let the principle find me?!"

"Troye! No I was-"

"No Tyler. You left me there to die didn't you. I knew that there wasn't anyone that I could trust. I knew it! It's just too good to be true." He finishes off with a tear strolling down his cheek.

"Troye I didn't-" This time I was cut off by the nurse, Ms. Sugg. We both turn our heads toward the door.

"Troye, your ride is here. Are you sure you're feeling okay?" I look at Troye, giving him a pleading look to ask if we can talk about what happened. He looks at me with, what looks like, pure hatred or disgust.

"Yeah, I'm sure."

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