Chapter 11~Tyler/Troyes pov

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Tyler's pov

I can't believe what I've done. I killed a man. How could I do that? What got into me? Am I going to go to jail? I mean, I saved Troye so it should be ok, right?

I can't go to prison! Imagine what would happen to a gay boy in prison! God dammit Tyler! Why was I so stupid? I've only just moved here and I'm already snapping necks. I almost got shot while running away carrying Troye. I had tried to get him up, but he wasn't moving. It was kind of like when I met him accidentally at Starbucks. Weird.

Ive been siting in Troyes hospital room waiting for him to wake up all night. It's about seven in the morning now. It's still quite dark out, but there's some moon light. The doctors have no clue what's wrong with Troye. They think he's just past out, but I feel that there's more to it. I also think too much into things.

Why would someone want to hurt Troye? He's so innocent and nice I don't understand. I mean I wouldn't know if he is innocent or nice really, but he seemed innocent and nice from when I bumped into him at Starbucks.

Maybe it's some jerk over the internet that told him to kill himself. I would kill him- wait. I did.

Troyes pov~



"Tyler, did y-you just say you killed a man?" He continued rocking back and forth, nodding his head slowly.

I feel myself beginning to hyperventilate. Quickly, I calm myself down and realize that I have the need to comfort Tyler. Why? I don't know. I get up, rather quickly, and walk over to the couch. Suddenly, I start to feel very lightheaded. I don't know what happened, mainly because I black out.

"Ty, I know you aren't feeling well, but the moment you get better I'm going to take you to get ice cream." Mom tapped my nose. "What. Ever. Kind. You want."

"Really?" I say as excited as I can with the feeling of wanting to throw up.

"Yes Hunny, we will. Here let me wet your wash cloth." I'm pretty sure that I fell asleep because I didn't see mom come back.

Tyler's pov (again)

I continued rocking back and forth, kind of like a metronome only the other way. I heard steps, but ignored them, too emerged in my own thoughts.

"Tyler Oakley? Is that you?" I ignore them, before I realize that it's a really rude to do. My father woul-... "Ugh.. Yeah that's me."

A/N~ Sorry this wasn't very eventful! I hope you enjoyed! Love y'all! <333~J

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