Chapter 15~ Troyes pov

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I open my eyes to see a note to my right, pinned to the tree I'm leant against. I look around as to see who left it, but there was no one. It actually looks really pretty, but creepily so. It's just a huge clearing with one huge tree, the one I was leaning against. There is also a small pond to the left a little far off. It looks so pretty, so undisturbed. I turn back to the note and start reading it.

Dear Troye,
I know that this is a confusing time. I wish I could be the one in your position. I don't want you to be hurt, but it is all unintentional. Things will make sense eventually. Go to the town. Follow the water and you will find the way. Then go to the middle of the town. It's your choice of what you do from there.

Who's Relyt? That an interesting name. Why is it my choice? Whatever. The only water I see is that pond. I walk over, but it's completely still. There's absolutely no wind either. Maybe if I touch it. I put my hand in, but nothing happens. I don't know what I was expecting to happen. Maybe I could just walk in a direction and it'll be the right way. I doubt it. My navigation sucks, especially in a new place. Well what am I supposed to do? I sit down in the grass next to the water.

"What do I do?" I speak aloud, but it sounded so quiet. There is no wind no animals that I can see. As soon as I think this though, I feel something crawl onto my shoulder. A tiny chipmunk.

"Hey little guy." He's so adorable. I pick him up and curls into my hand. I guess where ever I go this little guy's coming with. To my left is a single stone. It's shaped like a cube with round edges. Peculiar. I pick it up with my empty hand, and I have the urge to throw it into the water. It's not like anything would happen, but what if. What ever I'm just talking crazy. The chipmunk lets out a little squeak and I look to see him yawn. Absolutely adorable.

I decide to just toss the little rock into the water as I stand up. I think I'll just walk in, I look around the field I stand in, that direction. I look back to the still undisturbed water and see the rock hit the bottom. It's weird that the water didn't even move when I tossed it in it only sunk. . .

The small pond slowly separated into water droplets. It looks like time froze while it was raining. I could see a small rainbow looking through the dispersed water. If only I had my camera here with me. I look around and see that this place is actually extremely beautiful. The chipmunk squeaked again, but a different one. He looks scared, cowering down looking up at the water. Aw, poor little guy. He's scared. I would be too, but I'm just in awe of how amazing this looks.

"Hey, it's okay little guy." I get a feeling in my palm. The same feeling as always. Stinging.

[A/N~ Yes this is from the chipmunks pov. :). ]

"Hey, Yllas ! Look what I found!" yells over to me from a small pond in a clearing. Mom told us not to go in any clearings.

"Mij, Mom said to stay out of the clearings!" I look at him worried and exasperated with his shenanigans.

"Come on nothing's going to happen!"

"No. I'm not going to be picked up by a bird and taken to their nest for them to eat me alive."

"Fine. I guess I'll just have to enjoy this all by myself." Ok. He's got me curious.

"Ok, Mij. I'm coming." He smiles at this. I hope Mom doesn't come looking for us. We'd be in so much trouble.

I look to the water where he's pointing and he tells me to wait and watch. I do, and about five seconds later he runs into the water and floats on a leaf. Wow. That's awesome. I look around for another leaf, but I see none.

"Where'd you get that leave?" You have to get it off the tree over there!" Hmm ok. I'm getting it.

I grabbed one and ran to the edge and jumped. I got the leaf under me and was amazing at how fun and relaxing it was.

So Yllas is the name. Whoops.

"I'm sorry little girl. Yllas? Is that you're name?" She let out a little squeak, also different than the others. I watched her, but soon she pointed in the direction of the water and I noticed the water starting to shake a little. Kind of like a vibrate. I touch one of the closer droplets and it starts moving. It's going in the total opposite direction of where I was going to go. I look at the note I put in my pocket.

Follow the water and you will find the way. I'm glad I figured this out.

I watch my feet covered up by black woman's converse shoes walking, but occasionally looking up to see if I'm still going in the right direction of the waters guide. The chipmunk stayed with me as we were nearing what seemed to be looking like a town. It was still a little while away, but I could here people chanting. I'm not sure quite what though. We got to the small fence surrounding the town. Now, when I describe it as small it's an understatement. I midget could jump it. Maybe it's just for decoration.

I step over the "fence" and look back at the water. It stopped moving again as if it were frozen. I got the idea to touch it once more. Suddenly, it fell to the ground and slowly went back to, I'm assuming, where it was originally.

I could barely make out what the chants were saying, but I did and I got an uneasy feeling in my stomach. "Off with his head!" Was being chanted repeatedly. I look around the town and see a sign for a "Noon Hanging At The Gallows And Guillotine! Everyone Must Come See!"

Wow. Hanging? The chipmunk -Yllas- jumps off and runs. I'm worried for a moment, but she stops by a loose piece of paper on the ground. I take this as my cue to pick it up and read it. Once again it is addressed to me.

It's me again. You better make your choice soon. It's almost time.

What choice? Do they mean if I'm going? Oh heck no! I can't do that. No way. But. . . What if I can help? What if some how it can convince someone to not hand them? I guess this means I have to go. Yllas jumps back onto me and I start heading towards the sound.

A/N~ Hi guys! I really really hope you enjoyed this chapter! I love you all! Have a great day <3~J

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