Chapter 15: Impossibility

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They'd written to Notre Dame eight weeks earlier about a discreet, private meeting. They'd gotten an answer three weeks ago, and had come two weeks early in case something had slowed them down, like the surprise London. Aislinn had never been to Europe before and was excited to see everything she could. She insisted on doing all the touristy stuff. And that meant museums. No one knew he was and he was more free to show affection for Aislinn among the humans, than in front of naturals.

He stared at the painting in front of him, not understanding how it,
was possible. The angel was clearly him and the girl he held, he would recognize her anywhere. It was Aislinn he held and judging by the way it was painted, neither had any clothes. The cloth painted around them might have been Aislinn's clothes, but it would be impossible to tell. He could feel himself blushing.
Aislinn appeared next to him, snuggling into his side. He wrapped an arm around her waist, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. She noticed the painting he was staring at and studied it. Her soft gasp told him that he hadn't been wrong.
'Is that us?' He nodded for a moment before verbalizing it.
"Yes." A museum guide hurried over to them and noticed the painting they were looking at.
"Ah yes, it's one of our older paintings, from around 100 AD, it's called Michael. The artist left a note with it saying it was the archangel Michael and his companion, a half angel girl called an Angeling. He was rescuing her from her enemies." Michael exchanged glances with Aislinn and the museum guide seemed to realize something. She stared at Michael and Aislinn and then the painting and saw what they had.
"You...that's not possible."
"I know," Michael said, "we're wondering how it happened actually." The museum guide spluttered. She backed away slowly.
"You're an angel." She said, looking panicked and slightly crazy. Michael exchanged glances with Aislinn. She sighed and they turned to leave. Someone put a hand on Aislinn's shoulder and yanked her back, Michael turned, eyes furious. A man stood there, mouth open in shock. Michael snatched Aislinn from the man, furious.
"You will kindly keep your hands off of what is mine." He practically snarled.
'Michael calm down, I'm right here.'
Aislinn's skin met his. He relaxed some, but they both left the gallery.

They were aware they were being followed. They spent the entire day doing normal tourist things and being couple-like, attempting to make the people following them embarrassed enough to leave them alone. They didn't give up. When it got dark, Michael gathered Aislinn in his arms and they took off, landing a few streets away from Notre Dame. They knew absolutely nothing about this connection they had. Churches were really the only place they could go to find answers. They had made a special appointment to meet with the fathers there. The father at the door inquired who they were. Michael handed him the letter and the man let them in. They waited together, not speaking out loud, but still talking.
"Michael and Aislinn?" Someone asked. They turned and nodded to the men.
"Come with us." They followed them to a place where they could sit and talk.
"You said you had questions, what sort of questions?"
"About angels. Specifically the angel-kissed." Their eyebrows rose in astonishment and they were silent.
"The angel-kissed is a legend. They are said to be blessed among all others. Worthy of the protection of any angel and equal to one in purity. The angel kissed are marked by a silver star." Aislinn looked at Michael, he nodded. She pulled down the neck of her shirt, revealing the mark.
"Like this?" She asked. They stared in shock and tested to make sure it was real. Michael and Aislinn sat calmly. The priests sat, their ideals shaken, but determined to help.
"I do not understand, why have you come?"
"The kiss is more than the books explained, it's done things, changed things and I don't know why, which is scary for me." Michael admitted. The watched him, noticing how he moved.
"You are not asking out of curiousity." One said knowingly.
"No," Michael said, resting his hands on Aislinn's chair. "You have heard legends of angels coming to earth, they do. Aislinn is what you would call an Angeling, the daughter of an angel and a human." They all looked at her in wonder.
"Angeling?" Aislinn ducked her head in a blush. Michael continued on.
"Yes. We're traveling, trying to find answers, trying to figure out what is going on."
"There have been angel-kissed before..."
"Not like Aislinn. She's already half angel. And it isn't one angel kiss, it's three." Aislinn tucked her hair back, revealing the two silver stars behind her ear. "Two archangel, one from her father." They stared outright at Michael. Contemplating his meaning for a moment.
"The first kiss?"
"Her father's."
"The first kiss is common." One of the older priests said speaking for the first time.
"Nephilim are the rarest of the the naturals. And among their species alone, females are rare. Among all naturals they are almost non-existant. Because of this, it was common practice for the father to give an angel's kiss to afford protection for the Angeling." Michael looked at the man in relief, glad to know something new.

"You know more about Angelings?" The man nodded and asked the others to leave.
"My great-grandmother's sister was an Angeling."
"Katarina." Michael said knowingly.
"Yes, how did you..."
"I met her once."
"You are far older than you appear."
"Yes." Michael answered honestly.
"Angelings are extraordinary among naturals because of the amount of power they may wield. Divine and feminine in one person causes it, most likely. Angelings are born with an inherent good nature and gifts that are meant to be used to heal the world where needed. They can heal, see things, events that happened before their birth or ones that are yet to come, and they are blessed as are those around them. Fields will yield large harvests, fisherman will bring in large catches. No one will get sick or be hurt. They're naturally good at hiding and can't resist helping the innocent."
"Is there any legends about them though?" Michael asked urgently. The man hesitated.
"It might be more helpful if I understood why you both are so fearful." Michael sighed and then sat straight, determined. Aislinn slipped her hand into his, trying to relax him.
"Angelings are often fated, already chosen to be a companion when they're born. Usually the girl is mated to an angel, a seraphim or archangel. I know the normal bond doesn't including sharing thoughts or feelings or memories, so what is happening?"
"I don't know, but there is someone who might, only problem, he lives in Vatican City. I can get you in to see him, but only at night like we are meeting." Michael nodded. "It may take several day to get a reply before you can go."
"That's fine, I have an apartment in Paris."
"Before you go, the strength of the angel determines the strength of an Angeling, if her father and fated companion were archangels, she would nearly be a full-blooded angel." Michael nodded in understanding. "Please come back again if you get the chance."
"We'll try." Aislinn promised, thanking the man before they left. Outside Notre Dame, they walked back to Michael's loft apartment. They waved to the guardsman, before heading upstairs to go to bed. He ducked down to steal a kiss from her. She sighed and then they split up. She went to shower while he did a little online research. They switched and then got ready for bed. Michael climbed in and Aislinn didn't bother trying. She pressed herself against him, head on his chest. She was asleep within minutes and Michael fell asleep not long after.
They spent the following day exploring Paris. They were careful to avoid that particular museum, but Aislinn wanted to see the Louvre. Michael sighed ad took her there. She was amazed by everything she saw. She smiled, happy to be there. He couldn't help but feed off her excitement, making him smile. He was always happier when she was. He took her hand, weaving their fingers together. She smiled and stood on her toes to give him a kiss on the cheek.
Late that evening, they met at Notre Dame. The priest from yesterday recognized them. They spoke at length with the priests and then Aislinn and he returned home. On their fifth visit, the priests had a letter for them. Michael stared in shock.
"The pope? You want us to talk to the pope?!" The priests all smiled at Michael's incredulity. Aislinn calmed him with a simple touch. They were staying in Paris two more days, but were still already packed for the most part. This time, as soon as they stepped inside, Michael sensed something was off. He was right. Aislinn stopped him from entering the main room, spotting some of the museum officials.
Michael gripped Aislinn tightly. He launched himself into the air towards the high ceiling. They both stood on the support. They peered down into the main part of the cathedral. Down below the fathers' looked furious and were arguing with a group of officials. Michael rolled his eyes in annoyance. They were arguing and then calling the police. One of them noticed Michael and Aislinn up above, the one who's great-aunt had been an Angeling. He was even more adamant about them leaving immediately. Finally the police arrived to escort them out. When the church was empty. The same priest called up.
"You're safe now." The others all looked up at the pair in the rafters. Michael gathered Aislinn up and then he jumped and used his wings to slow their descent. He laughed when they landed.
"I haven't done the hiding in church rafters in centuries!" He said laughing. Aislinn just sighed, shaking her head at his amusement.
"You are an angel."
"I'm Michael." He said holding out his hand. He got a handshake from all of them. They wished the pair well on their trip to Vatican City.


Quick A/N: this picture is the inspiration for the majority of this chapter as well as the entire story.

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