Chapter 2: An Angel

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Arcadia had been the school for any supernatural teenager in north America since before people had begun settling there. They were well hidden, they had to be to avoid Hunters.

Hunters were humans who believed them to be evil. They had hunted every kind of supernatural creature except angels until the fall of angels began. The archangel Michael had thrown Lucifer and his followers from heaven. In Lucifer's case, directly into Hell. Fallen angels did not hold to the same moral codes they had before. While many accepted their punishment, others attacked what God had created, killing humans, animals and supernaturals alike. The Hunters were ordered to kill these angels by God himself. He gave them gifts of speed and strength and keen senses to complete their task. When they killed, they took spoils of the angels. Hair, feathers and blood of any angel could heal any ailment or injury. People would pay dearly to get these spoils. Hunters became greedy and began hunting all angels, slaughtering them. When all the angels had gone, there were no more. Hundreds had been killed in greed. God destroyed what power any of the angel substances had, determined that they not be rewarded for their genocide. After the angels had gone, there was no one to protect the supernaturals. They were forced to live in secret, hidden among humans to keep safe. They lived in relative safety, only a few rogue members revealing themselves every few hundred years. Things changed in the 1600s, when thousands of women and girls, many witches, many not, were killed, accused of practicing witchcraft. Vampires were hunted down in Europe in the 1800s.

To protect supernatural children, they were sent to boarding schools. Some human schools, some strictly supernatural. When they turned 13, they were sent to a boarding school strictly just for supernaturals. They trained to be fighters, leaders, warriors, magicians or whatever else was required fro any one species. Supernaturals commonly fought when they grew older, but as teenagers, they were required to get along, to work together and make friends of different species than their own. Arcadia was several centuries old, hidden in Missouri and several miles from any humans. Each species had their own moral codes and duties. Vampires drank the blood of humans whose souls were guilty and diseased, dangerous to those around them. Werewolves and vampires kept each other in check. Faeries protected the wilderness as best they could. Witches became practicers of herbal medicines and rememdies in places without modern medicine. Mages developed technologies and guided human thinking and philosophies. Demons made sure humans didn't get to arrogant, didn't destroy their world in their quest for power or wealth. Shadowalkers and sirens were the warnings of constant dangers that humans faced. Never had any angels ever attended Arcadia. They were long dead before Arcadia was built, but once their had been Nephilim. Nephilim were rarer than even angels had been following their destruction at the hands of Hunters. They were the children of angels and humans. Often they were less important angels, not ever archangels or seraphim that fathered these children. Guardian angels were common enough fathers and everyday angels. Female angels could not have children. The only way more angels could be born was through a female Nephilim. Female Nephilim were born every once in a thousand years, and were always the companion of a male angel.

The archangels were the favored angels of God. Among them, Gabriel visited earth the most often. He had two Nephilim children with a woman, the first a male, and the second a girl, an Angeling. Michael, the warrior angel had served God since before the earth had begun. He missed many of the pleasures that the other angels had been allowed. The one thing he wished for among all others was to live a life on earth with someone who would love him. God granted his wish.

Michael was sent to Earth, several miles south of Arcadia. He began walking, unknowingly passing through centuries of magical barriers that immediately strengthened as he passed. When he reached the grounds, he was met with swords and weapons. It took them several minutes to realize he was an angel, an archangel. Among supernaturals, angels were afforded the most respect and power. Even faerie knights, high warlocks and demons, Alphas and Vampire royalty were lower, still he took classes with them. He had come to earth to live a life, and life included friends.

Most of the students there were required to stay on campus at all times. Michael and a few of the older students were allowed to leave if they wished after classes or for the weekend. Michael left a few times to go to aid a guardian angel or another supernatural in need of help. It was who he was. He couldn't resist helping those who needed it. He was called to a school dance of some sort. There were three very powerful supernaturals there, waiting for him. He landed a ways from them and then walked to them from his hidden spot.When he approached, they were immediately on guard. He stopped before them and they watched warily.

"I am Michael, what is the issue?" He asked them, voice smooth and calm. They relaxed when they saw he wasn't the enemy.

"Siren girl, she doesn't realize it either. There's already a Hunter girl here, and guessing from the way she moves, she's probably a pure." Michael grimaced at that.

"And I don't suppose you can distract her?"

"Er we didn't think that was going to work real well. Hunters are kind of made to hunt our kind."

"You're Nephilim." Michael said in realization, he chuckled for a moment. "It's been a long time since I've met a Nephilim and I've never met three at once."

"How long is long?" Jared asked.

"Eh, about 600 years give or take." Michael said. They stared at him. Michael sighed. "I'll distract the Hunter, you get the girl, get her out of here and to St. Morgan." He did distract the girl. He did what he'd never once done before in his incredibly long life and put his body to use. He danced with her, seducing the girl. He was perfect, but the siren was resistant to leaving. Unlike most men, Nephilim and Angels were immune to a sirens charms and so was the girl before him. While everyone else turned to stare at the girl with the beautiful voice. The Hunter cried out in pain. He saw her eyes behind her mask. A strange darkness clouded her eyes before clearing away. She gasped and caught his arm as she staggered.

"Go. Get her out of here. They're coming. Go!" He didn't waste time, pressing a kiss to the Hunter's lips and then grabbing the siren. She screeched and everyone fell to their knees. Michael finally got her to calm down. He had the Nephilim take her to their school, St Morgan's academy.

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