Chapter 11: Hunters

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As the truck got closer, she began to fidget more and more. Michael cast her worried looks. And then her eyes blanked. He whipped around completely and she began talking, describing everything she was seeing. Lucas pulled over, concerned until she gasped and her eyes closed.
"Go!" She shouted, leaning forward into the front. "They're attacking now! Go!" They drove, speeding down the dirt road at a dangerous pace. They careened onto a path and stopped at two barred iron gates. Lucas moved to get out, Aislinn stopped him. She climbed out of the sunroof and landed in the truck bed. She opened a bag, collecting an assortment of weapons. She strapped them on. She moved to open the gate. A hunter darted out, sword high. She blocked the swing and yelled out something. The Hunter fell back, but still held his weapon high.
She turned enough for him to catch the tattoo. He relaxed, and then in one quick move, she knocked him out and opened the gate. Lucas moved forward and she hopped into the truck bed as he passed. They drove faster and soon they could hear it. They all scrambled from the truck, arming themselves. Lucas gunned the engine and the truck barreled onto the battlefield, startling everyone. Aislinn leaped from the truck bed and rolled, springing up and beginning to fight. She cut down hunters from behind, before melting into shadow and finding another victim. She materialized behind a particularly vicious Hunter and knifed him before he could kill the two small children in front of him. Aislinn killed him and then quickly scooped up one child and grabbed the hand of the other. She took them to a hollow in the wall, a hidden door. She shouldered it open and pushed them inside.
"Stay here, stay quiet. I'll come and get you when it's over."
She ducked back out into the battle. She tricked several hunters with her tattoo, only to cut them down from behind. She saved many children who'd been caught in the crossfire. She hid them all, and was careful to keep them hidden. And then she came upon someone she was too late to help. She looked up and spotted the dark shadow. The sword and the strength were familiar. It was a pure, one by the name of Trent. He was merciless, strong and fast. He was good, very good, the best truthfully. She'd only beat him once, three months ago, and it was only because she had been able to surprise him. She doubted she'd be able to do it again. She gathered her strength and knowledge. She had to get rid of Trent, his causality rate was too high. She started at the edge of the clearing and began moving in. She took down the hunters in her path and dodged the naturals who tried to attack her. She knocked out a few, but never killed them. She kept moving, not realizing the crowd of naturals she left behind, free to help the others. They began overtaking the hunters left. She had yet to see Lucas or Michael, but knew it was only a matter of time. She reached the center of the field and stepped up to take the place of a natural. She stopped Trent's blade and the injured natural, a Mage from the looks of it, was quickly moved out of the way by a pair of faerie girls. They were slightly older than Aislinn was, but fighters. Aislinn cleared her head, needing her focus now more than ever. Trent's face showed surprise and shock, before it morphed into sinister anger. His smile was cruel and calculating.
"Little Angeling. Oh how I've waited for this. And to think, I'm denying the Angels more of their own, I'm denying whatever angel you'd be given to his mate. Angelings are the ultimate prize, they're so rare and so beloved, they make wonderful bargaining chips. Even better warriors and assassins. Like you. The perfect threat, to your enemies and then to use against them as one of their own." She stayed silent as they whirled, blades flashing as they moved.
"But you, you were so much better, you could use more than your skills, you could use your body. You did use your body, so many times I saw how you did it, seducing them to their deaths. Even knowing what you are, who you are, I'd still gladly take you, make you mine." He sneered. She slipped and he lunged. He knocked her down and he snapped her wrist. She clenched her teeth against the pain. He leaned over her, sneering. He had his sword pressed just below her breast, a kill point, but it wasn't his motive clearly. She pressed her broken wrist to her side, opening a pouch and grabbing a handful of the contents. She threw it in his face when he got close. He howled, falling back as the pepper stung his eyes. She scrambled up and grabbed her sword. She brought it up, twirling it in her other hand. The others had stopped fighting, their attention on Aislinn and Trent. Trent's eyes still streamed, but he renewed his attack on Aislinn. He took a shot and grabbed her arm, yanking her into his body. He disarmed her, throwing her sword away. He pressed the blade to her throat.
"Where's your angel little girl? I want him to see you die." Their was a pound crack overhead, like a sonic boom. And the sound of whistling. Then right before his eyes, Trent watched as an explosion hit. The shock as it hit, knocked him backward flying through the air. Aislinn kicked off him gaining more air and a streak of Black was all he saw. His vision blurred when he finally hit the ground again. Before him stood an angel, Aislinn was pressed into his chest, but he held a sword in his free hand. It glimmered with white light. He eyed Trent as he pressed his lips into Aislinn's hair. He stepped forward away from Aislinn, who stood next to a giant alpha wolf.
"You shouldn't have said that." The angel said, eyes diamond hard. He stopped a foot from Trent.
"Who are you angel?"
"I am the Archangel Michael, and you threatened what was mine." Trent tried, but in the end, it was useless. He lay dead along with nearly all of the hunters.

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