Chapter 13: Mindspeak

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Over the coming days and then weeks, Aislinn and Michael made sure the school could withstand an assualt. The Hunters had been severely damaged in their latest attack, but it didn't matter. They would come after the school regardless. She did what she had done at Arcadia, St. Morgan and the other school. She trained them in finding a Hunter's weakness and in recognizing their own. She taught them how the Hunters would used their weaknesses to kill them. She taught that Hunters were merciless, but clever. She went through any possible attacks, modes, sequences and the like. She wanted to make sure that everyone would survive. She even taught the children a few things. She went through safe places to hide, like the hidden storeroom. She made the rooms safe, his a few easy to use weapons, ones she knew were necessary, but regretted teaching children. They were guns, and she didn't like them. As they worked, Michael and Aislinn got very good at non-verbal communication. They could not be facing each other and on the entire other side of the school and Michael could tell Aislinn wanted him there for something. They didn't think anything of it until Aislinn set off a well hidden trap. Several bolts shot out at her. Michael had been out of his chair and halfway to the main field before any sounds of alarm reached them. Aislinn has woven around a majority of the bolts, but it was Michael who knocked aside the last one. He was furious they had missed the trap, but Aislinn kept insisting she was fine. He seemed inclined to believe differently. A mage mentioned then that never before had an Angeling or an angel-kissed being been able to connect telepathically with an angel. He found it odd that they could. They left later that week, Lucas drove them back to the airport. They received much the same reception, glares, growls and threatening looks. Michael had had enough. The next wolf that growled at Aislinn, Michael growled back at. He pulled Aislinn tight against him. She could feel his anger.
"Michael you need to calm down." His gaze snapped to her. "Calm down, I'm fine, we both are fine. Ignore him, I promise you, everything is fine." Michael pulled her tighter into him, burying his nose in her neck and hair.
"Mine." He growled and the wolf took a step back in alarm.
"She's an angel-mate." He whispered and everyone froze.
"Angeling." Michael growled, Aislinn sighed.
"Michael, the plane?" He broke out of his odd state and walked to the gate, still keeping a possessive arm around her. Neither realized anything she'd said had not been out loud.

Matthew was the first to spot them. He grinned and gathered his sister into a fierce hug. Michael started forward on instinct, but instead clapped Matthew on the shoulder. Matt grinned at him.
"No worse for the wear I see." Michael winced involuntarily.
"What?" He asked looking at Aislinn.
"I may have had to fight a pure that Michael had to kill." Matt's jaw dropped in shock.
"You fought a pure? Are you absolutely insane!?"
"I knew him. I'd beat him once before."
"You've" He asked switching to Michael.
"Pures were never meant to be able to combat archangels or seraphim. Still, Nephilim are half human. They're on equal footing with pures, if they're trained. Aislinn was at a disadvantage. She had to fight to get to him, some Hunters, some naturals. Although she did end up saving two elite mages. Regardless, I was fighting three at a time and...I don't actually know how, I knew she was in danger. I dive bombed, created a shockwave. I caught her when she kicked free of the pure, and then I dealt with him."
"That's not possible. You can't just know."
"I didn't, she told me, across the entirety of the field."
"Not possible." Matt said, trying to work it out. They all walked into the library and found nothing to help them. Everything online was useless too. Michael was frustrated, angry even. Aislinn and the other three Nephilim noticed. Aislinn moved from her seat, dropping into his lap.
'You need to relax, we'll find something. America isn't that old. Europe would be a better place to search.' The others only saw the after effects of what she said. He took a deep breath and then kissed her forehead.
'Thank you.' Michael whispered softly, directly into her head.
Aislinn's stuff remained in her room, but she slept in Michael's room. Matt grumbled about the arrangement, but otherwise didn't react. The door was closed when they went to bed, and open by dawn the next day. None quite realized how deeply Michael cared for the Angeling he'd saved. He almost qualified it as love, but he didn't, not yet. She was deeply innocent still, and so very sweet. He kissed her when the door closed, held her close when no one was watching. Aislinn was his, someone he cared about and didn't want to give up. She was the last piece of his promise.

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