Chapter 7: Identity

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The kiss wasn't at all the sweet soft thing it had been before. This kiss was desperate and rough and full of promise. He kissed her like he'd been waiting for thousands of years and she supposed he had been. It didn't matter to her, but still, he took her breath away. When he pulled back, she pressed her face into his neck. She could feel his breath on her own neck. His mouth was close to her ear, and she felt safe for the first time, wrapped in his arms. He let out a shuddering breath and looked at her.

"Lila Kate Harris, who is she? What's wrong?"

"She was camping with her brother, the both of them are naturals. They're running, but she's hurt and he can't carry her forever. They're about an hour from here on foot. South I think." He nodded and kissed her forehead. He took her hand, leading her back to where he and the others lived. Matt and Jared gawked at him and Aislinn. Michael ignored them and focused on Kal.

"Grab your things, we've got two naturals being hunted about an hour south of us. Matt, Jared, stay here. I want you watching Aislinn. I mean it, not like last time, make sure she's safe from the others. Until I can get back and explain."

The silence was awkward, Aislinn knew both were staring at her. She fidgeted nervously and shifted in her seat, giving up on the book she was attempting to read. She looked up, meeting their eyes.

"Go ahead and ask." She said sighing. Matt was quiet, but Jared immediately asked her.

"Who are you? Why did Michael bring you here?"

"My name is Aislinn Montgomery, I'm sixteen. Michael brought me here to keep me safe." She heard Matt choke for a minute.

"Your uncle, what's his name?"

"Brad Montgomery, why?"

"My name is Matthew Montgomery." She stared at him for several moments before he sat next to her. He tentatively took her hand in his. She laced her fingers through his and sighed before abruptly stiffening. Her hand tightened in his and her nails dug into the couch, she didn't blink or even seem to breathe. She gasped suddenly, breathing desperately. Matt sat next to her, looking worried, Jared was in front of her, his eyes betrayed his concern.


"Sorry, sorry, you get used to it." The door opened and Michael took one look at them, confusion evident in his expression. Something squirmed in his arms before jumping and leaping up into Aislinn's lap. It was a stripey tiger cub. It nuzzled Aislinn's hand as it settled in her lap. She began to giggle quietly. Matt looked up at Michael.

"She's one of our kind, isn't she." Michael nodded and Matt inhaled sharply.

"Is she..." Michael nodded and Matt smiled for the first time, not a bitter smile like usual, but a genuine smile. Aislinn bumped his shoulder, a grin on her face.

"Do I get a hug?" Matt laughed and pulled her into a gentle hug, cognizant of her back. Michael squished himself onto the couch next to her. She leaned against him when she sat back again. It was early morning, three a.m. and he could tell she was tired. As she listened to the boys, she fell asleep against Michael. He picked her up and took her to his room, settling her in bed. He took the couch in the common room and the others went to bed. The tiger settled down next to Michael and before long they were both dead asleep.

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