Chapter 14: Abroad

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They had spent another month at Arcadia, planning and talking between the other schools, in the U.S. and Canada. They hadn't come up with anything to explain the bond that had formed Michael and Aislinn. Michael was growing more concerned for his Angeling every day. He had dropped the pretense of friendship between them. He didn't care who saw him. He did all the things other naturals did with their mates, except mate. He had come to the realization rather quickly that being gentle, caring about Aislinn did not make him vulnerable or weak to others, it made him stronger. He knew she was capable of taking care of herself, but he liked her close by. They had exhausted their options in North America, the next place to look would be in Europe. Michael had places all over the world; Paris, London, New York, Rome, Copenhagen, Denver, Los Angelos, San Francisco, Normandy, Washington D.C.,Toronto, Seattle, Berlin, Dublin and a place close by the Loch Ness. They had decided that their best option was to fly to Europe. They booked a flight to Heathrow Airport and then Michael said they could take a train to Paris. They were all set to go, halfway through their flight to Paris, then there was an announcement.
"We'll be slightly behind schedule due to air traffic." Michael looked down at Aislinn who was snuggled up to him, completely asleep. Her Hunter mark had been overwritten by angel runes. It had faded completely which more than anything assured the others of her loyalties.
They landed in London and took the train to Kings Cross Station. They had mailed their things and had no bags to worry about, which made things much smoother. They had gotten lost using the trains and found themselves nowhere near Kings Cross. And then someone behind her pressed a gun to Aislinn's back. She tensed and Michael noticed immediately. The Hunter tattoo was clear on his arm. He grinned ferally. They broke onto the street, and more Hunters awaited them. Michael swore lowly and Aislinn couldn't help it. She started to giggle and then laugh. Michael was grinning at her and they were drawing notice. The Hunter swore and dug the gun into her back. She cut off abruptly as they were tossed into a car. She fought as the needle pierced her skin.
She woke up cold, the stone beneath her was cold and she was in a white dress. It was sleeveless, an underdress no doubt. She hated dresses, but the skirt on this was large, allowing a lot of movement. She sat up, swinging her legs to the side and realized her wrists were chained. She yanked and then unconsciously stopped, gathering her strength. She broke both chains, snapping them. Her head was pounding and she tried the door. It opened easily into a large room, one used for torture.
She gasped, drawing attention. Several Hunters looked up in surprise. She was dragged down and she saw Michael then. He was hurt, bleeding and bruised in some places, mostly his chest and arms.
"You're not human, the neither of you. It wasn't hard to figure out what he was, but you...little're something else entirely."
"I'm a spy." She said flatly. Her old Hunter tattoo darkening as she willed it to. One of the Hunters started behind her.
"Her shoulder, she's marked." He said, paling more and more.
"But your blood..."
"I volunteered to be given blood of a natural in order to break the enchantments on the schools in America, where I met him. I made up something, and he's shown me the location of four schools, we were headed to another when you caught us."
"You're American? What's your name?"
"Aislinn Montgomery."
"A pureblood." The leader said in realization. He motioned for him to let her go. They did. She shivered slightly, but didn't say anything.
"Ah well, I suppose the ruse is up. He's of no use to me. I don't suppose you have an armory? I need a weapon to get rid of him with." They nodded, two went with her to help her find the armory.
"Where are we anyway?"
"Northern most coast of England."
"And how many are there."
"Thirteen right now, there are 434 in the nearby village."
"Perfect." She said testing a sword and then a dagger and a few knives. She strapped the knives to her thigh and then spun.
"I'm sorry, really." She took them both out and then crept back, taking out people as she went. She got all but five when the alarm sounded. She cursed and stepped back into the chamber. Four of them were there. Michael was awake and sitting up, interested.
"What is going on?"
"Sorry, I lied. I deserted. I'm not a Hunter anymore, I'm angel-blooded." She flipped and took out two before throwing a knife at one. She used the last on the leader.
"And this is Michael, he's an archangel." She got him released. He took her in a tight embrace.
'Time to go?'
He touched her head, it came away red. He ran with her. They fought their way out and Aislinn ran out of weapons. She had even used the casing to strangle someone. They ran out into open air, both barefoot. He shocked her, gathering her tight and took off into open air. Arrows passed them along with bullets. Soon they were out of reach, but the air was bitterly cold. She shivered as he flew, determined to leave England entirely. He finally spotted land, it was late at night or early morning. He saw the shore and drifted lower, landing. He landed in the water, the trees too close to the shoreline. He pulled his wings in and looked up. A small group stood on the shore, he recognized them as priests.
"Angel what is your name?"
"The Archangel Michael, please, she's hurt, can you help us?"
"Yes, come with us, we will take you to the church." He stepped out of the water, coming closer to the shore.
"The girl, she is thrice blessed, twice by you."
"I know."
"She is yours?"
"Yes, an Angel-born."
"You were attacked?"
"In London. We escaped to here, hoping to find help."
"You shall." He opened the door of a church. A nun turned and adopted a horrified look. She hurried forward and then studied Michael who held Aislinn tighter to him.
"This is Michael and his beloved. She's been injured and we've promised to help." The nun shot him a look, but waved for Michael to follow her. In no time they had her head wound closed up. Michael had been pacing nervously the entire time.
"Sit down angel!" The woman demanded. He sat in shock, not sure how she knew.
"One of the village boys is angel-born. His father brought him to me when he was injured once."
"His father?"
"He's one of my closest friends."
"You are an archangel?" She asked, still cleaning Aislinn's head wound.
"The warrior, Michael. Gabriel is her father." That shocked the woman.
"Angel-girl? Angeling?" She asked looking up at him. He nodded and then his gaze fell on Aislinn again.
"She is your Angeling." She said knowingly. He nodded. The woman found some clothes for them to use and helped dress Aislinn. Aislinn slept for a few hours before waking up. They set about calling home to get the extra passports they'd left mailed to the small church in Norway.
They stayed for a week or so, both helping where they could. They spent the days near each other and then finally their replacement things arrived. Jeans, tank tops, sweaters, light jackets, boots, socks, clean underthings, passports, cash and other things. They changed out of their borrowed things and returned them. They left that night, Michael flying them to Germany where they could take a train to Paris.

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