Chapter 17: Rome

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They spent the day just walking around Rome. It was the first time he'd ever seen her wear a skirt, usually it was always a pair of shorts, jeans or cargo pants. He'd never seen her wear a dress either. He almost wondered if she even owned one. She looked beautiful, and it was nice to see she'd made an effort for him. And he knew it was for him. She had on a pale pink top and a skirt that hit below her knees with it. He grinned. And realized the skirt was made for ease of movement. He grinned, pulling her close by her waist, he let them fall to her thighs as he kissed her forehead.

'You look beautiful Angeling.'

She had a knife strapped there. She just smiled up at him. She had her bag slung over her shoulder and her hair braided to one side, instead of hanging loose. He held her hand as they walked, making it to what they wanted to see. They did duck into a few stores, and she came out with a few things. They were both athletically inclined, so walking for long periods of time was nothing. They made it back to Vatican City. It was beautiful, incredibly so. They were able to actually see the sights. They moved past the painting of Aislinn, not noticing someone taking her picture.

They walked around for awhile before a father pulled them aside.

"You are Michael and Aislinn?" They nodded and he handed them the letter. Michael opened it, and held it out so both could read.

'We should go.'

'It might be our best shot. I doubt anywhere else would have the information we need, if nothing else, maybe they could point us to somewhere else to look.'

"Of course," Michael said, inclining his head. Aislinn placed a hand on his arm, nodding in agreement.

"We'd be honored." She added. The father nodded.

"Present the letter to the guards at 7:15. They will tell us you are here."

"Thank you father." Aislinn said politely. He inclined his head to them. They'd returned home to change. They both showered and dressed nicely. Aislinn didn't want to come out. She'd put something she'd gotten earlier, on, and now she was refusing to come back out of the bathroom. He was dressed in slacks and a blue shirt, the sleeves rolled up. He didn't feel uncomfortable, but she did.

"Aislinn, please? We have to go."

"No! I look awful."

"You cannot look awful, it's physically impossible. You could be beating the crap out of Kane and you'd still be beautiful. Come out, please?" There was silence.

"If you laugh, I will never forgive you."

'I promise, I won't.'

The door opened and she just stood there. He stared for a moment, in awe, then a smile lit up his face.
She gave him a small hesitant smile in return.

'See, still beautiful.'

He whispered, pressing a kiss to her temple. He threaded his fingers through hers. She had on a pair of converse. He nearly laughed, but only grinned at the sight. She had on a white top tucked into a dark blue skirt that fell past her knees. She was beautiful, no other words could describe her. He walked with her and they took the bus back. They walked, hands intertwined, she leaned against his arm. They approached the gate and he handed the letter to a guard. The guard nodded and said something to the other guard. Moments later, a father appeared, bowing slightly, he led them silently into the Vatican. Both were silent as they were led to a table that was already set and laid with food. Many of the places were set. They stood behind their chairs and waited quietly. It wasn't long before others joined them, standing behind their chairs as well. Aislinn's eyes widened slightly as the pope joined them. He smiled at her softly. He bent his head and began the prayer.

The meal was mostly silent, and then the pope spoke.

"Father Torre tells me both of you are angel-blooded."

"I am an Angeling." Aislinn said softly.

"And you?" He inquired of Michael.

"My name is Michael."

"That is not an answer." One said sharply. Michael looked at him oddly. The pope's eyes brightened.

"It is. You are Michael, the archangel Michael." The others were all looking at him strangely, some with curiosity, others studying him intently. And then a single command rang out.

"Go." The others stood quietly and left, leaving Michael and Aislinn alone. The man smiled at them then.

"You seek information on the bond between an Angel and his mate, so I assume you are bonded, partially at least."

"Yes. Our bond is not like the others though. I do not know what causes it, only that it is much more than expected."

"In what ways?"

"Our minds, they are connected, in thoughts, emotions, senses. And her ability to heal and gift of foreknowledge...I have never seen the like, not in humans or naturals."

"If I could hazard a guess, Aislinn is completely unique. She is part natural, part human and part Hunter. All three factions in one person. I believe her angel and Hunter blood have mixed in such a way that she is more Angel than human. Hunters were a human equivalent of angels, so her abilities as an angel are heightened. It's why she connects with your mind and her healing would be accelerated. As for the foreknowledge, it may just be who she is."


"There are certain humans, people blessed by God. They see the future, the past, they can tell you how a person will live or die, or anything in between. You call them prophets, we would call them psychics, gypsies, fortune tellers, witches."

"Prophets are ordained by God for a purpose, one that will change the world, how has anything she's done be world changing, besides the obvious?"

"Thanks." She said dryly. The pope chuckled as Michael shifted uncomfortably.

"The answer is obvious, she hasn't done whatever it is yet."

"That's not entirely a welcome thought."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2016 ⏰

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