The shopkeep and the bookworm (Ben)

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You worked at the bookstore in town. Have for your whole life that's where you met The bookworm of a boy and girl Belle and Ben. Twin daugther and son to the town inventor.
You've been friends with both of them for a very one time. Everytime you were around Ben he always made you laugh. Then you started to grow feelings for him over time without even realizing.

Warning(s):Awkward flirting.

(Your pov)
"And that's the last one!" I chirped happily while placing the final book on the shelf. Now the library was nice and tidy ever book in its place and not a page out of place. Some would call it being a looney to reorganize the whole library. By page count, then cross refrenced by genre then yet again title.
Now anyone could find anything in three seconds flat. What else am I supposed to do? Work? Nah the imgainery line is only practically going through the door and wrapping around the sore twice. This was usual Sunday afternoon. No one ever came in on a Sunday wair correction no one every came in.
A big sigh left my mouth as I slammed my head against the table top bored.
"That looked like it hurt," a male voice says from the front of the store.
My head shot up hitting the bookshelf above me. I yelped in pain holding my head. Great now let's add headache to the list of things that happened today.
"Are you okay?" The male voice asks while walking towards me holding my head up.
"Yeah I think so.." My eyes met those hazel Brown ones. Ben..Ben was so close.. Do something!
I jumped back quickly rubbing the back of my head nervously.
"Alright then." Ben says in a confused tone before looking around the store.
"Do you have Hamlet?" He asks while looking around on the shelves.
"Oh! Yes! I do have Hamlet!" Quickly I walked over to the bookshelf that had all the Shakespeare books. After a couple seconds of looking through the titles I located the book and pulled it off the shelf.
"So how's your sister?" I ask trying to make this silence less awkward.
Ben looks up from the counter towards me as I walked towards him with the book in hand.
"Oh- she's fine. Gaston is still trying to get her to be his wife though." He grimaced at the thought of belle actually marrying Gaston.
"Well Belle's a smart girl I think she knows better than to accept anything from that self absorbed Gaston. " I handed the book to Ben who perked up at the sight of it.
"Your book shop makes our small corner of the world feel so much bigger," He opens to the first page and begins to read happily getting lost in thought.
I smile softly to myself before going behind the counter and grabbing the tea set and pouring out a warm cup.
"How many sugars?" I ask.
"None thank you,"
I giggle to myself "cause you're already sweet enough," I say softly.
But even though I believe what I said was silent enough.
"What?" Ben places the book onto the counter page down looking me in the eyes. A bright blush spread across my face as I began to play with the fabric of my apron.
"W-well you see umm sugar is sweet and you d-dont want any sugar in your tea. And you're a rather S-sweet person Ben. S-so you don't need anymore sugar to make you even more sweet." I explained while not making any eye contact.
Ben looked towards me before making saying "oh,"  a bright red blush spread from cheek to cheek as he realizes what my sentence truly means.
I awkwardly poured this cup of tea as the thick awkward silence filled the room. If someone dropped at pin you would hear it.
"You're like then sun."
I looked toward Ben confused.
"Cause you always brighten my day," he smiled softly.
Now it was my turn to blush my lord this was so awkward.
Ben noticed my uneasyness and touched my cheek.
"No matter what you always brighten my day," he says softly.
I looked into his brown eyes and he looked into my (e/c).
We both started to lean into each other lips inches apart then we met in the middle. My arms wrapped around Ben's neck and his around my torso pulling us togther even more. We didn't even notice the door open or the clearing of a certain someone's twins throat. Ben was just about to undo the strings of my dress when Belle cleared her throat.
Ben quickly pulled away from me and stood up straighter than a pencil.
Belle stood there with her hands on her hips eyebrow raised.
"So this is just stopping in for a visit huh?"

The end

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