Rewrite The Stars (part 1)

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Malevolent x!fairy! Reader


Enjoy :)

(3rd pov) 

    She was the light while he was the darkness. Complete and total opposites she brought life and he brought death. Malevolent the fairy of darkness and (y/n) fairy of life. They were polar opposites not similar in any way right? Wrong! The two were madly in love with each other but neither of them knew since they couldn’t be together many would disapprove of the strange couple. So they both kept their feelings a secret from one another so they wouldn’t do any damage to the world with their love. 

    The day was beautiful and up in a large cherry blossom tree slept the fairy (y/n) the one responsible for bringing life to the Moores growing each flower, every little blade of grass was her responsibility. She slept peacefully even though life around her was busy as can be the girl slept peacefully. Her large white wings wrapped around her small frame like a blanket shielding her from the coolness of the morning. A pair of two green eyes watched as she slept peacefully making sure that no one disturbed the little fairy as she slept. Malevolent envied the girl a little she slept so peacefully when he tried getting rest it seemed as everyone needed him. But not for (y/n) when she slept everyone knew not to disturb. 

    A yawn escaped the young girl’s mouth the large wings unwrapping themselves revealing her small body. Her hair was long seeing that there were no possible means of cutting it since they lived in a forest it was an (h/c) color, her skin was soft along with being very fair a beautiful (s/c) in color, and her eyes were like pools of wonder to everyone who looked at them. 

    “You finally awaken,” Mavlovent says while looking at the girl who was rubbing the sleepiness out of her (e/c) eyes. 

    One final yawn escaped the fairies mouth before looking up at Malevolent “Oh Mal have you been awake for long?” (y/n) asked the dark fairy. 

Malevolent shook his head in response to the girl’s question “You know very well that I can never get a good night’s rest.” 

(Y/n) sighed in sadness for Malevolent walking over to where he sat her wings dragging behind her as she walked. Plopping down beside the dark fairy she looked out at the Moores sighing a little. “It’s beautiful,” 

Malevolent nodded in agreement to what she said. 

    “Quite indeed they are little fairy,” 

(y/n) shot of sending a quick glare at Malevolent before looking back at the Moores. 

“I thought I told you not to call me that anymore,” 

 “And why would I do that? I get to see that funny look on your face when I call you that,” 

She puffed out her cheeks in a childish manner. This was one of Malvolent’s favorite activities teasing (y/n) she got so easily embarrassed.

    “Hmph, quite feathers,” 

Malevolent looked at the girl before looking away from her a subtle redness on his cheeks from when she called him feathers. It was quite the suiting nickname for him after all. A giggle escaped the young fairies mouth before she stood up walking over to the dark fairy wrapping her arms around his shoulders propping her head up on top of his. 


    “Yes (y/n)?”

    “Why can’t we be together?” 

    Malevolent sighed and stood up holding (y/n)’s small hands in his own. “You know very well that our love is forbidden.” 

    “So what if it’s forbidden? Why can’t we just rewrite the stars? Break from tradition?” 

He chuckled a little looking her in the eyes with a soft smile. “Never took you as the rebellious type little fairy,”

    “There’s not a lot you don’t know about me feathers,” 

(Your pov) 

    Spreading my wings I took off flying with malevolent close behind me. This was gonna be a fun game of chase. My wings flapped faster gaining some distance from him. But, the distance I had just gained was quickly lost, Malevolent had much larger wings that I did seeing that he was older and much larger than me he could catch up easily. But, what he had in speed I had agility. It was almost to easy to maneuver my way through the rocks while he had some struggle getting through them. 

    A small laugh escaped my lips “Gonna have to try harder than that to capture me~” I teased while landing on some cliff. 

    Malevolent landed beside me giving me a look “You’re such a little sneak.” He pulled me closer to him and I rested my hands on top of his chest “I believe you deserve punishment,” He said with a teasing wink. 

A bright red blushed covered my cheeks quickly and I tore my eyes from his green ones. This man is going to be the death of me, one day. But, who could resist his charms? 

    “Malevolent,” My voice came off as soft and I looked back in the dark fairies eyes. “You need to know something. “ I leaned forward our lips inches apart. 

    “K-Know what.” He stuttered. 

    “Never let your guard down.” Before he could respond a pushed him off the cliff. 

(Malevolent pov) 

    DAMN THAT FAIRY! Sure I could catch myself before hitting the ground. But! That besides the point! She still tricked me and I thought I was the master of trickery. Spreading my wings I flew back up grabbing her off the rock flying up into the air with her. She yelped when I grabbed her but she quickly realized who it was carrying her. 

    “You should now something as well little fairy.” I stare into her (e/c) eyes. 

    “Know what Mal?” 

    “That I always get my revenge.” 

She looked at me confused about what I said. I chuckled before kissing her deeply her lips were soft like the finest silk and they tasted of honey. I pulled away to see (y/n) staring up at me blush all over her face. Did I? Break her? She just stared at me with her big eyes. I really think I did. I really broke her. Oh, crap. 

    “Hey, Hey little fairy!” I tapped her cheek gently making her snap out of her trance. 

    “Why?” She pushed herself away from me flying on her own. “Why did you kiss me! Are my emotions just a toy for you to play with Malvolent!” 

When she said this I felt a tiny ping pulling at my heartstrings and that’s when I noticed it the tears in her eyes. 

    “My emotions aren’t your plaything!” She yelled before flying away. 

“What Just Happened?” I asked myself.  


Oh the Drama! See you guys next week!

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