|| 24. Yokohama, and Our Promises

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----- Dead Apple : Without Me
|| 24. Yokohama, and Our Promises

"From the time I was born to the day that I fall, I know you'll be there to run with me through it all

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"From the time I was born to the day that I fall, I know you'll be there to run with me through it all." -M. Yoongi

       THE conflict also seemed to continue without stopping.

       You noticed the red fog surrounding Yokohama. You ran towards the main room of the plane, to the place where Tsujimura was at to talk to Ango. "What the fuck is going on?!" You panicked.

       "The fog has begun to spread!"

       "Singularity variance immeasurable."

       "Expansion speed 100 kilometers. At current rate, In an hour and thirty-five minutes, the whole of the Kanto region will be engulfed. In twelve hours and thirty-six minutes, all of Tokyo, and in 168 hours, the whole of the planet will be covered."

       That was reported by government people who worked with Ango. You're starting to have difficulty breathing because of excessive fear.

       "We have a call from the English Special Operations Organization."

       "Connect it now!" Before Ango answered it, from the government plane, you ordered to open the call. Ango certainly agreed to your order.

       Not too long, you see a blond woman with a tea cup in her hand. "Order of the Clock Tower," you mention the name of the organization.

[ A/N : Want to see another Agatha Christie scene. She look so gorgeous-! ]

       "Good day. On behalf of the nations of Europe, my heart goes out to your nation in this time of crisis. On that note, in order to prevent it from spreading throughout the rest of the world, we have deployed a gifted with an incineration ability." The women said it calmly.

       Your eyes are perfectly rounded. The tightness you feel is getting worse.

       "When will they begin?" Ango asked. He was as panic as you.

       "In exactly thirty minutes, with the crack of dawn." The connection was lost.

       Your hands were cold, your body was shaking and your breathing was getting out of control. "Yokohama's going to be incinerated." You and Ango said together, aware of what will happen to their hometown.

       "Dazai, [Y/D/N]," you called your husband and daughter names under your breath.

       You heard the request from the Order of the Clock Tower's women. You surely understood the meaning in which the woman's intention was to kill the core of this conflict, Shibusawa. But not only that, Yokohama will be burned down.

       Either you or Ango, you both love Yokohama. You don't want your city to be just destroyed like that. Especially for you who was born and raised there. Then you were reminded of the body of your brother, Odasaku who was buried in the land of Yokohama as well. You realized that the grave would also burn.

       "All those memories and regret... will die with this city?" You clenched your fists

       Without spending another second, you ran outside the room. "Tsujimura, open the landing gate!" You shouted.

       For you, Yokohama isn't just an empty, meaningless city. Yokohama is a place where you knit promises with those you care about. Does it have to be destroyed in a flash of light tonight?

A/N : Aww, Agatha is beautiful but i don't really like her

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A/N : Aww, Agatha is beautiful but i don't really like her. Idk why. Still gorgeous thou! But please don't hate me. Sorry for this short chapter. By the way, see you at the next chapter.

Wanna go to real life Yokohama? Me? YES, I WANT!

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Wanna go to real life Yokohama? Me? YES, I WANT!

Headline Picture from itl.cat

Dead Apple : Without Me
July, 2020

- Dead Apple : Without Me || D. Osamu - [END]Where stories live. Discover now