Chapter 12

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"I don't want to be here," I here CeeCee complain as she and Sage enter the house. I walk out of the living room to find my best friend holding my sister over his shoulder.

 "Only way she'd come in," Sage explains as he sets CeeCee down on her feet.

"Kaleb, tell Sage to let me go home," CeeCee commands.

"No. Now go into the living room and make up with Kay while I talk with your mate," I order.

"I have nothing to say to her," Cee says.

"Well she has something to say to you," I say before letting Adrian light up my eyes. CeeCee groans since she knows that she has to listen to me know.

"Thank you love," Sage smiles at his mate before she reluctantly walks into the living room.

"Shall we go to my office?" I ask.

"Yeah good idea," he replies before we walk to my office.


 "So what do you want to talk about?" Kale asks as he sits behind his desk.

 "She contacted me again Kale. It's really her I just know it," I reply once I've shut the door.

 "You said that your family were dead man. That's why my dad took you in all those years ago."

 "I know," I say as I remember what happened when I was young.


I sprint away from my home as I here scream after scream coming from the women of my pack. My little feet squash down twigs and leaves as I desperately try and avoid the same fate as my pack. 

'You should've stayed and helped them,' my wolf says. 

'I'm six! I can't help!' I shout at it before a large brown wolf stands in front of me. I whimper as it stares at me.

"P-p-please don't hurt me," I beg before the wolf leans forward and picks me up by the back of my t-shirt. The wolf drops me onto it's back before it starts walking in the direction that I was heading. We pass a number of wolves who bow their heads as the brown wolf passes. I try to hide in the wolf's hair as it walks towards a large house.

"Daddy!" a boy about my age with blond hair shouts as he runs up to the wolf. The boy nods his head at the wolf before it pulls me from it's back and places me on my feet beside the blond boy.

"Hi I'm Kaleb," the boy smiles at me as the wolf walks into the house. "What's your name?"

"I'm Sage," I reply.

"My daddy says we need to go in the house now," Kaleb says. "Come on."

I follow Kaleb into the house and into a room that looks like my daddy's office.

"Hello Sage," a man smiles. "I'm Kaleb's dad. I would like to know why you're so far from your home."

"It was dangerous. People were dying. I was scared," I tell him.

"It's ok now son," Kaleb's daddy says. "You are safe here."

"Will you help my family?" I ask since I left my mummy, daddy and little sister behind.

"I will find out what happened to them but why don't you go play with Kaleb for now?"

"Come on Sage. Come meet my brother and sister," Kaleb says as he grabs onto my hand.

*End Of Flashback*

"My dad said that your family died in the attack," Kaleb says pulling me from my memories.

"I know but he never mentioned Clover," I say.

"Sage, I don't want you to get hurt," Kaleb sighs.

"I know but I want to do this. Please give her permission to come here, bro," I say on the edge of begging for my sister’s return. Kale sighs again before he nods.

"Tell her that she can come but she must come alone," he says making me smile.

"Thank you Kale."

"I'll let your sister join this pack so that she can be with you as long as you tell CeeCee before she arrives," he says before I nod.

"I'll tell her tonight, I promise," I say before we here a scream.

"Kale!" Kay screams before Kaleb runs in her direction.

"Kay, what's wrong?" Kale asks as he holds his crying screaming mate against his chest.

"It hurts," Kay sobs.

"What hurts baby? Tell me so I can help," he says worried.

"My stomach," she replies as she holds onto it.

"Kaleb, the baby," CeeCee says shocked. Before I mind link with the pack doctor.

"Kale, the doc's on the way," I say as Kay continues screaming.

"What did you do?" Kaleb growls as he glares up at CeeCee. I catch sight of the luminous blue glow in Kaleb's eyes and instantly pull Cee away from him.

"I didn't do anything," Cee says as she tucks herself into my side. I hug my mate since I can sense that she needs comfort as I watch my Alpha try to help his mate.

“I don’t want to lose it,” Kay sobs.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2014 ⏰

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