Chapter 11

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'Kale!' Kay mentally shouts causing me to shut down my computer.

Yes darling?' I reply.

'I can't find the cookies!' she replies and I can tell that she's close to tears.

'You ate them all honey but I'm going right now to get you some,' I say as I stand from my chair and head out of my office. 'Would you like me to get you anything else?'

'Vimto and pinapple and pickles,' she replies with her daily order of random food.

'Ok baby I'll be home soon,' I say as I exit the pack house.

"Another food run?" Sage asks from behind me. I spin round and face my best friend before replying.

"Yeah man and I better go before she gets upset. Come round later and we'll talk ok?" I reply knowing that something is troubling him.

"Yeah I'll be round once you make your mate happy. I don't want to witness another of her mood swings," he says causing me to roll my eyes.

"I'll see you later then mate," I smile.

"Yeah good luck," Sage says before I climb into my car and drive off towards the shop.


"Calm down Katerina," I hear my mother say as I enter the house.

"I am calm!" I hear Kay snap from the living room.

"Kay what's wrong baby?" I ask as I join them in the living room.

"She's upset because the humans have been saying stuff at the high school," mum says.

"They wouldn't be saying anything if your daughter could keep her mouth closed," Kay snaps before I walk over and sit beside her.

"Its ok baby," I say as I lift her onto my lap.

"No it's not Kaleb. What am I going to do? I attacked one of them. Cee had to pull me off her before I caused her serious harm," she says as tears pool in her eyes.

"Tell him what she said to you Kay," mum says making me wonder exactly what the humans have been saying about my mate.

"No. I don't want to," she says as she jumps from my lap and grabs the bag full of what she told me to buy that I placed by my feet when I sat down.

"Kay," I say but she ignores me and walks away to the kitchen.

"What did the girl say mum?" I ask needing to know which emotion Kay is really going through.

"The girl said that Katerina was a stupid little orphan slut who opened her legs for anyone. She said that she deserved to get pregnant because she was a careless whore who probably didn't even know who the father was," mum replies as I fight to keep Adrian back since we both want the girls blood for saying such things to our mate.

"Thank you for telling me but why are you here exactly?" I ask since she never visits my house.

"The head teacher phoned me to tell me that Katerina was being sent home early because one of the teachers caught her attacking the girl. I picked her up from the school and she wanted to be brought back here."

"Why didn't you call me? I would've picked her up."

"Your father said that you were busy so I didn't want to disturb you but obviously your mate didn't have the same thought," she says before I realise that Kay should still be in school since it is early.

"If my baby needs me then I'll be here. She comes before anything especially paperwork," I say before mum stands from where she was sitting on the couch.

"I'll leave you two now since I'm clearly not needed anymore."

"Thank you for taking care of Kay," I smile as I stand so that I can hug her goodbye.

"Just try to get her to calm down Kaleb. All this stress isn't good for the baby," mum says before she hugs me.

"I will mum. I know how to get her to calm down," I smile before she leaves the house.

I smell blood before I enter the kitchen where Kay is, which makes me panic. I walk into the room and find Kay running her hand under the tap.

"What happened?" I ask as I cross the room so that I can inspect the damage.

"The knife slipped when I was cutting up the pineapple. I'm ok though Kale. It's not deep," she replies as she pulls her hand from under the water so that I can see her sliced palm.

"You gotta be careful baby," I say before I raise her hand to my lips. I run my tongue over the cut to help it heal faster.

"They suspended me Kale," she says as she turns to her fruit.

"I don't think that you should go back Kay," I say causing her to turn back towards me.


"Once your suspension is over I don't think that you should go back to school. You'll be showing soon and I don't want you getting upset. I also don't want anything to happen to my pup," I explain before she glares at me.

"And what the hell do you expect me to do all day Kaleb? Just sit around and wait for you to come home?" Kay snaps.

"Kay, it's your decision. I'm just telling you what I think is best for you both. I'm not telling you that you have to drop out just yet but you will soon. Just think about it ok?"

"I'll think about it," she says as she rests her hand over her stomach.

"Ok darling. Is it ok if Sage comes over?"

"Sure. Tell him to bring CeeCee so that I can apologize for earlier."

"Ok baby," I smile at her before walking out of the room to call Sage.

"Hey Alpha, what's up?" Sage asks once he's answered his phone.

"I've got Kay to calm down so come over as soon as you've picked up Cee, ok?" I reply.

"Yeah ok I'm just waiting for her to get her perky ass out here," he says.

"I don't need details about my little sister's ass thank you very much," I laugh.

"So what made your girl snap today?" Sage asks.

"Your girl so prepare for a moody blond heading your way," I say making him groan.

"I am not bringing Cee to yours if they're fighting."

"Kay wants to apologise so bring the blondie here. Cee can distract Kay while we talk."

"Fine there she's coming. I'll be over soon. Don't you dare anger Kay," Sage says.

"Ok see you soon mate," I say before hanging up.

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