Chapter 8

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I open my eyes and groan as I realise that my phone is ringing. I slip my arm out from around Kay's waist before climbing out of bed. My girl whimpers as I pull on a pair of pj trousers commando and walk to the other side of the room to find my phone. I find the stupid thing hidden under Kay's dress and answer it.

"Hello," I say.

"I trusted you Clarke! You promised she'd be safe with you!" the person on the other end snaps angrily. I sigh as I realise that I'm talking to Hazel's cousin, David, who took over as Alpha of the pack that I escaped from.

"She is safe," I say.

"No one has been able to contact her since last night. She's completely left our link so what the hell have you done with my cousin?" David snaps.

"I can assure you that she's fine. I will personally go look for her right now and phone you back."

"I want to hear for myself that she is safe. If she isn't you better prepare for war Clarke," David says before he hangs up. I look over at Kay and growl since my stupid twin has put her in danger.

"Kale, are you ok?" Kay asks as she looks over at me worried.

"Yeah but I need to go to Calvin's house."

"Why? What's going on?" she asks.

"Last night Hazel broke the link with her pack and her cousin is threatening war if he doesn't hear from her that she's ok," I explain before I walk into our wardrobe.


"Remember you promised you wouldn't hit him," Kay says once I pull up outside Calvin's house.

"Yes I remember," I say before I get out of the car and walk into his house with Kay on my heels.

"Calvin! Where are you, you bastard?" I shout. "Calvin!"

"What the fuck do you want?" Calvin snaps as he glares at me from the top of the stair case.

"I had Hazel's cousin on the phone threatening me with war because of you!" I snap as I glare back at him.

"Kale calm down," Kay says as she wraps her arms around my waist. Hazel appears at Calvin's side wearing what looks like only his t-shirt. The pair walk down the stairs towards us as my phone starts ringing.


"Where is she Clarke? I'm sick of waiting for you to make up an excuse," David snaps. "I won't hesitate to declare war."

"Well I'm fucking sick of you threatening me," I snap. "The bond broke because she mated with one of the males."

"Prove it!" he growls before I offer the phone to Hazel.

"Tell him you're fine," I growl before she takes the phone from me. I lean down and kiss Kay's neck inhaling her scent at the same time.

"Yes he was telling the truth. I mated with his brother last night. I'm sorry if I scared you David but I love him," Hazel says into the phone. I roll my eyes before I lead Kay into the living room.

"Kale calm down," Kay says as she pushes me down on the couch.

"Hazel's cousin is threatening us with war and you think I can calm down?" I say confused as she climbs onto my lap.

"Hazel will calm down her cousin and everything will be ok," she says as she runs her hands over my chest.

"You don't understand Kay. I'm not angry about him threatening he with war because I have the strongest pack. I'm angry because my stupid brother put you in danger."

"Kaleb no-one can put me in danger because I'll always have you to protect me."

I smile at my beautiful girl before Calvin walks into the room.

"Here's your phone arsehole," he says as he throws it towards me. I glare at my twin brother as Kay catches the phone and starts playing a game on it.

"Why are you still here?" Calvin snaps as he glares back at me.

"Calvin be nice," Kay says without looking up from the phone. Calvin looks over at me confused causing me to shrug.

"You better look after my best friend," Kay says before Hazel walks into the room with more clothes on.

"I'll kick your fluffy ass if you hurt her," she says causing us all to laugh at the image of Kay kicking Calvin's wolf's ass.

"Don't you worry Kay. I'll look after her. I won't hurt her either so you wont need to kick my ass," Calvin smiles at my mate. Kay pauses her game and starts talking to Hazel about their past. I mind link with Sage while their talking to find out how everything is at the pack house. Thankfully nothing is wrong and no-one is trying to cross our boundaries which means that I'll be able to spend the whole day with Kay doing whatever she likes.

"We'll leave you two alone then so that you can spend the day together as mates," Kay smiles at Hazel and Calvin as she stands up.

"Ok don't be a stranger Kay and we'll see you when we get back from the Shadow Pack," Hazel smiles as I walk towards the front door.

"Next time knock before you barge into my house," Calvin says as I wait for Kay to join me.

"Don't put my mate in danger and I'll wait until you open the door yourself,"  I reply as Kay finally joins me at the door. Kay waves goodbye to Calvin as I leave the house and unlock the car.

"What's the plan for today then?" Kay asks once she's got in the car.

"Whatever you'd like to do baby girl. I'll do whatever you want to," I reply.

"Ok I want to spend the day in town away from the pack."

I look at her shocked before shrugging and starting the car.

"Your wish is my command beautiful," I smile before I pull out of Calvin's drive and drive out of the pack compound. I mind link Calvin and Sage telling them to watch the pack and that I'm going out of the boundaries.



My Long Lost Alpha MateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon