Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


I walk into the bathroom and find Kay leaning over the toilet bowl as tears run down her face.

"Kay baby are you ok?" I ask as I kneel down beside her.

"I'm fine Kale," she replies as she looks up at me.

"Are you ill baby?" I ask as she stands up and dries her face with her sleeve.

"I'm ok Kaleb," Kay says once I've got to my feet. "Stop worrying so much."

I sigh as she smiles at me.

"Do you want me to stay home? I can call the guys to cancel."

"No go out and have fun with your friends. I told you that I was fine and CeeCee and Hazel are coming to hang out anyway so I wont be alone."

I watch her carefully as I try to enter her mind to find out what she's hiding from me.

"Kaleb Clarke!" she exclaims as she turns to face me with her hands on her hips.

"Yes love?" I ask trying to act innocent.

"Stop worrying so much. I obviously had something dodgy for lunch but I'm fine now so it's ok. I'd tell you if something was wrong," Kay says before I hug her.

"I'm sorry," I say before I hear someone knocking on the door. Kay kisses me lightly on the lips before she skips out of the room and down the stairs.

"We are here to kidnap the Alpha," I hear Mike joke as I walk down the stairs. I hadn't immediately followed Kay down because I still had to put my shoes on.

"He'll be right down," my mate says with a smile most likely on her beautiful face.

"Are you sure we can steal him?" Ste asks as I reach the bottom of the stairs.

"Of course. He's not hung out with you boys properly since he's been back so I'll let you have him tonight," Kay says before Sage throws the front door open.

"Sage! What's wrong with you?" CeeCee shouts as she runs after him into the house. I catch my little sister's arm and stop her from running after Sage into the living room where Kay, Mike and Ste are.

"What's wrong Cee?" I ask before she hugs me.

"I don't know what's got into him Kale. Ever since he recieved this letter the other day he's been acting weird. He wouldn't tell me who sent it or what it's about," she says almost in tears.

"It'll be ok Cee. I'll talk to him later for you," I smile.

"Thank you big brother," she smiles before Calvin and Hazel join us.

"What's wrong with our baby sister?" he asks me as he looks down at CeeCee.

"Sage is being weird," I reply as he shakes his head.

"Don't worry CeeCee you'll be fine," Calvin says before she lets me go and we all walk into the living room.

"At last," Mike says. "Did you get lost walking down the stairs?"

"You're funny," I say in a flat tone causing Kay to giggle. I walk over and kiss the top of her head.

"I'll see you later darling," I say.

"Have fun," she smiles before Mike and Ste drag me out of the house.


I smile as Kale is dragged out of the house by Mike and Ste as Calvin and Sage follow them. The boys decided that because Calvin and Hazel are going away for two weeks to visit her old pack to collect her things that they would go out drinking since they're all together again. Since we'd all be alone in our homes us girls decided that we'd all spend the night here together until the boys returned.

"Right CeeCee stick a smile on that pretty face of yours and forget about your mate's silly mood. We're going to have fun," Hazel smiles which does cause a smile to make it's way onto Cee's face.

"What do you two have planned?" I ask suspiciously.

"Get drunk, dance, eat junk food and watch chick flicks," CeeCee smiles.

"Count me out of the getting drunk part," I say.

"No come on Kay," Hazel says.

"You two go ahead but I'm not feeling too great and these carpets apparently cost quite a bit."

Hazel and CeeCee shrug before they disappear into the kitchen.

"I take it that you didn't bring your own alcohol," I smile once I join them in the kitchen and find them raiding the cupboards.

"I know Kaleb's got some stashed somewhere," CeeCee replies before I open the cupboard under the island counter.

"He keeps it all in here," I say before they both stop rummaging in the cupboards and turn to look over at me.

"Why didn't we just think to ask you?" Hazel laughs as she jumps down from the worktop where she was kneeling to look in the higher cupboards.

"He's moved it since last time," CeeCee complains as she grabs a couple of bottles.

"No I did actually. It's easier to find and access if it's in here," I say before CeeCee looks at me sympathetically since she knows that I nearly drank myself to death where Kaleb was captured.

"Kay are you," Cee says before I cut her off by saying; "Let's have fun."


"I can't believe that you convinced me that that was a good idea," Hazel complains as me and CeeCee laugh.

"You did say that you'd eat anything," CeeCee manages to say through her laughter. Hazel did in fact say this so me and CeeCee threw together the oddest sandwich ever. The filling of this monster creation included pickled onions, Nutella, strawberry jelly, blackcurrant jam, jalapenos, tuna and mushy peas. We were actually surprised that we found most of these ingredients in the cupboards. Hazel had took one look at the sandwich and declared that she wouldn't eat it but we managed to convince her that it would be a good idea to try it and she did.

"You are mean," she declares making us laugh more. I clutch my stomach as I roll on the floor. I hear a car pull up outside the house but and hope it's Kale.

"I swear I'm going to get you both back. Just you wait," Hazel says before the front door is opened.

"Why are Kaleb's boxers hanging like a flag from your balcony?" Calvin asks as he looks directly down at me.

"Hey your sister wanted to put them on the roof so lets call that a compromise," I say as CeeCee and Hazel try to hold in their laughter.

"You're all drunk," he says as he looks around the room and spots the numerous empty bottles.

"No they're drunk. I didn't drink," I say before the two drunk she wolves start laughing.

"Lovely," he says sarcastically.

"Where's Kale and Sage?" I ask since they're not here.

"They stayed back to have a couple more drinks. They should be done soon. I've to drop CeeCee of at her's on my way home," he replies.

"Ok. Do you want some help?" I ask before he nods. Calvin walks over to Hazel and picks her up.

"What are you doing?" she asks confused.

"Taking you home darling," he replies before I help CeeCee to her feet.

"I'm not going home yet. Sage isn't here silly," she giggles as her eyes show how much he's hurt her.

"Calvin's taking you home and Sage will meet you there," I tell her before I follow Calvin out to his car as I support CeeCee so that she doesn't end up nose-diving onto the floor. We manage to get both girls into the car before Calvin drives away leaving me on my own to wait on Kale's return.


PLZ VOTE FAN & COMMENT :) Also it would be cool if you could also check out my cousin Yeah_Whateva_'s story My Saviour. I think it has potential and sounds quite good :) Thanks 

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