Chapter 1: First day

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*Y/N's POV*

"Y/N!" Tobio called. "Get your ass down here! We're gonna be late on our first day!"

"Coming!" I called back. Quickly checking my appearance in the mirror, I tightened the hair tie holding up my dark ponytail, and smoothed out the blonde piece of hair hanging loosely at the side of my face. Then, I grabbed my bag and bounced downstairs to greet my brother.

"Here." Tobio handed me a piece of fruit. "Eat it on the way."

I scoffed at him for noticing I intentionally skipped breakfast.

"Hey, docs orders," he shrugged. 

We walked out the door and made our way to school for our first day of high school classes. Luckily, or unluckily, my brother and I ended up in the same class.

As I went to open the door to my new classroom, I felt my heart begin to beat faster. Why was I so nervous?  Before I could open the door, I felt someone accidentally bump into me, startling me from my anxious thoughts.

"Oh hey! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you," the voice yelled out to me. I turned around to face whoever it was to tell them it was no problem, but when I turned to see who the voice belonged to, I froze. I locked eyes with a boy who stood not much taller than me. He had gorgeous hazel eyes and really cool hair that was neatly spiked back, except for one clump of blonde hair that drooped in front of his face... just like mine. I had the same hair color as my brother except I dyed one strip of hair blonde on the right side of my face.

Realizing I was just staring and not speaking, I finally spat out, "o-oh, it's okay! Don't worry about it," and gave the cute boy a soft smile.

Our eyes not leaving each other, the boy returned a grin, but suddenly, my dumbass overprotective brother had an outburst at him, "Hey, watch where you're going next time," he grumbled at the poor boy.

"Cut it out, Tobio," I spat back hastily at my brother. 

I turned back to the boy, "Sorry about him. By the way my name is Kageyama Y/N," I stretched out a hand for him to shake.

Taking my hand, he spoke kindly, "Nice to meet you Kageyama-Chan. I'm Nishinoya Yuu." Our hands lingered there for another moment and he flashed me sweet smile. Damn. Are all the boys at school this cute? "By the way... cool hair," he winked and I felt my cheeks heat up. Omg am I seriously blushing right now? I just met the guy!

We were interrupted by the bell signaling us to get to class. Tobio opened the door and tugged me into the classroom. "Not gonna be late," he mumbled under his breath

"Bye Kageyama-Chan!" Nishinoya called after me as I vanished into the classroom with my brother.

The rest of the day went by agonizingly slow, but I did manage to make friends with a small group of girls, who I sat with at lunch. I wasn't surprised. Even though I can be quiet and shy during class, I have an energetic and bubbly personality when I talk to people.

The last bell finally rang, indicating school was over. Thank God. I hurriedly packed up my school supplies and stood up to leave the classroom.

"Eh, where do you think you're going?" That voice is definitely Tobio. Sigh.

I whirled around to face him. "Home?" I said in a sassy tone.

"You know mom and dad work late. I'm not letting you walk home alone and then stay home alone for that long." He paused. "You're coming with me."

"But-," was all I could get out before he grabbed my wrist and dragged me towards the gym. I definitely wasn't going to be breaking free from his iron grip, so I gave up and just followed along behind him.

Guardian (Nishinoya x Reader) 🏐Where stories live. Discover now