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Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

Lu Tianfen was blown away by the boy’s punch!

No one expected such an outcome. To most people, a Grandmaster should be invincible. Unless the military and their heavy artillery were deployed, no one would be able to beat them. The only individual who was able to defeat a Grandmaster was another Grandmaster. Along that line of thinking, people started to wonder if the sixteen year old boy was also a Grandmaster.

“Hold on, he is Master Chen from Jiang Bei, the Young Grandmaster!”

After Lu Yanwu’s warning finally came in, someone exclaimed.

The crowd quickly boiled over. Before seeing the boy in action, everyone thought that the Young Master from Jiang Bei was simply an exaggerated rumor. However, there and then, everyone has seen the proof right before their eyes. The Young Grandmaster was real!

Lu Haixuan stumbled back a few steps in disbelief. He felt that his pride and confidence that he had been wearing over twenty years had all been thrown out of the window by Chen Fan’s display of strength. Lu Haixuan had reached Phenomenal Success in his Internal Force cultivation when he was twenty-five, and that had always been his bragging rights. However, his achievement seemed pathetic compared to a Grandmaster who wasn’t even twenty years old.

“Chen Beixuan!”

Lu Tianfen rose to his feet slowly. His gaze on Chen Fan was icy cold, however, inside of his heart, the angry flames burned belligerently. At his level, nothing was more important to him than his reputation. To have suffered such a huge defeat at the hands of a young boy was something that he could not come to terms with easily.

“Looks like you still want to fight. Well, I shall oblige then.” Chen Fan cracked a smile, revealing a row of white teeth.

After he finished his words, he took a large step forward, covering over ten meters of distance at once. It was as if he had folded the space so that he could warp himself into the vicinity of Lu Tianfen. When he suddenly appeared before his opponent, he punched at Lu Tianfen again.


Having learned his lesson and raised his guard, Lu Tianfen was better prepared this time. He folded his hands and summoned the white glow. As the size and the intensity of the white glow grew, he reshaped the wash of light it into a giant glowing hammer and used it to counter Chen Fan’s punch.

The impact sent the Lu Tianfen stumbling back.

“Such power, he is even more powerful than Tong Shan!”

Lu Tianfen was shocked by his opponent’s raw strength. His hands trembled after they were numbed by the powerful impact.

“How could he be so strong at such a young age? Is he already a Physique Refinement Grandmaster?” Lu Tianfen thought incredulously. Becoming a Physique Refinement Grandmaster was much more difficult than becoming a regular Grandmaster. In the recent century, only Chen Longxiang from the Diamond Temple had pulled off such a feat.

However, this was not the time for pondering. Before he could put his questions aside, Chen Fan was already coming at him again…

“Cloud Hand of the Lu family: Thousand Threads!”

Lu Tianfen decided to change his tactics and avoid direct confrontation. As his fingers danced in the air like playing an air guitar, countless silky threads fell from the sky like the drizzling rain of the Jiang Nan region that not only soaked up the land but also wrapped melancholy around one’s heart. In a blink, Chen Fan was entangled in a web formed by countless stringy threads. These threads were made out of True Essence. They might look easy to break—and they were, but their ability to reconnect and reform after being severed was what made the web nearly impossible to escape. Even Tong Shan was wrapped tight in a cocoon made from these threads, despite his immense strength.

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